Re: Score!
Date: 4/8/2001, 2:27 am
Date: 4/8/2001, 2:27 am
In Response To: Score! (Don Beale)
: I went garage sailing today with the wife, and picked up 160' of clear, flat
: grained cedar 1x4 tounge and groove, for $10.
: Now I know what to do with the Walrus forms I have lined up...
Oh NO!! Don....
You may have just torn the guts out of a future " Newbie Strip Builder " who's been saving up the wood and trying to keep it a secret from his wife. He was probably out looking at a new ROS while his wife was having the garage sale. Or, was out at other garage sales trying to pick up on some cheap tools to get started with. Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Aren't you ashamed?? Uh....No, don't answer that.
Congrats on the great find.
Messages In This Thread
- Score!
Don Beale -- 4/7/2001, 10:03 pm- Sneek up on the mirror!
bob -- 4/8/2001, 9:38 am- Re: Sneek up on the mirror!
Don Beale -- 4/8/2001, 11:23 am
- Bargain's are half the fun !!! *NM*
John Monfoe -- 4/8/2001, 4:52 am- Re: Score!
Rehd -- 4/8/2001, 2:27 am- Re: Score!
Don Beale -- 4/9/2001, 12:02 am
- Re: Not so fast
Mike Hanks -- 4/8/2001, 2:02 am- Re: thief!
daren neufeld -- 4/8/2001, 1:31 am - Re: Sneek up on the mirror!
- Sneek up on the mirror!