I agree about going through the whole pile (I pass on at least 1/3 of 2 X 4's even for rough framing). The larger widths are both better and worse. In lumber from yards there is an amazing amount of moisture, like was said here look for this by weight, some feel like lead and others are light (check the grain width on these making sure the lightness doesn't come from just wide grain. I can only second what Steve and Rob said about picking good grain for straightness and run out, get the 'tighter" the better (but not easy to find) I can agree with going for a good "section" of 2 X 10 or 2 X 12 (look at all 6", 8" etc) Just to remind that lumber also comes in different grades. Most lumber is "Const. Grade STD, this is fine (I guess) for most normal house framing. I have a good connection close so I use Grade 1, it is much better. For the best try to look through the "structural select" "free of heart center" and even "exposed". You may not get all these with out special order (no good becuase you have to see it first) so I would look through the "structural select" 2 X's and get one with a real good section of straight, tight grain with minimum "run out" that was light in weight. Putting support stantions and weight to keep it straight while it was alowed to dry in a heated space for a month (the more the better) should (God willing) do the trick. I have not read the threads about paddle construction (too far away and I was thinking of buying one. Can anyone give a quick couse or a pointer on the basics to consider when building one ??
Messages In This Thread
- greenland paddle warpage
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 4/8/2001, 6:52 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Greg Stamer -- 4/9/2001, 1:47 pm- thank you everyone!
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 4/9/2001, 6:50 pm
- Try cedar next time
Brian Nystrom -- 4/9/2001, 1:05 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Geo. Cushing -- 4/9/2001, 12:03 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Russell Brown -- 4/9/2001, 7:28 pm- Re: Pop'pal
Geo. Cushing -- 4/10/2001, 1:47 pm- Re: Pop'pal
Russell Brown -- 4/10/2001, 5:45 pm- Re: Pop'pal *Pic*
Geo. Cushing -- 4/13/2001, 3:21 pm
- Re: Pop'pal *Pic*
- Re: Pop'pal
- Re: Pop'pal
- Re: wood species
Tony -- 4/9/2001, 11:58 am- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Don Beale -- 4/8/2001, 11:59 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Rob Macks -- 4/8/2001, 9:05 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Steve L -- 4/8/2001, 11:08 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Arthur -- 4/8/2001, 11:34 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please
Ben Staley -- 4/9/2001, 1:29 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 4/9/2001, 2:15 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
Ben Staley -- 4/9/2001, 2:38 pm
- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
- Re: Run-out? once again please
- Re: greenland paddle warpage
- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Roger Nuffer -- 4/8/2001, 8:27 pm - thank you everyone!
- Re: greenland paddle warpage