Date: 4/8/2001, 11:59 pm
Brett, I have a warped Redwood one, that was laminated on a table which I didnt realize was not flat until I looked at the paddle. I finished it anyway, and have been using it. I really dont notice a little warp. As long as it's not twisted, I think I'd just let the board dry and try to carve it as straight as possible. Or finish it and use it awhile, then make a new one if you want any changes. I have tried hanging mine with weights on it for more than a week at a time. It'll come off the rack straighter than it was, but revert to it's original warped-ness fairly quickly. Perhaps a single carved peice will be more cooperative.
: hello everyone!
: while i wait for my epoxy to cure i decided to buy a "top choice"
: 2x6 and make a greenland paddle. it is/was going good but i noticed that
: when i cut out the loom part the hunk of pine is warping. i think i cut
: away some of the grain that kept the hunk of pine straight. now i know why
: people use laminations, switch the grain up to avoid warp. is this warp
: part of "the deal" with traditional paddles? should i just leave
: it? ideas anyone? i thought of finishing the paddle, soaking it in water,
: then clamping it down to my work bench. if i do this, will i have to do
: this every time when i use it?
: cluess, bent, and left handed,
: brett the hitman hart
Messages In This Thread
- greenland paddle warpage
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 4/8/2001, 6:52 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Greg Stamer -- 4/9/2001, 1:47 pm- thank you everyone!
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 4/9/2001, 6:50 pm
- Try cedar next time
Brian Nystrom -- 4/9/2001, 1:05 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Geo. Cushing -- 4/9/2001, 12:03 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Russell Brown -- 4/9/2001, 7:28 pm- Re: Pop'pal
Geo. Cushing -- 4/10/2001, 1:47 pm- Re: Pop'pal
Russell Brown -- 4/10/2001, 5:45 pm- Re: Pop'pal *Pic*
Geo. Cushing -- 4/13/2001, 3:21 pm
- Re: Pop'pal *Pic*
- Re: Pop'pal
- Re: Pop'pal
- Re: wood species
Tony -- 4/9/2001, 11:58 am- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Don Beale -- 4/8/2001, 11:59 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Rob Macks -- 4/8/2001, 9:05 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Steve L -- 4/8/2001, 11:08 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Arthur -- 4/8/2001, 11:34 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please
Ben Staley -- 4/9/2001, 1:29 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 4/9/2001, 2:15 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
Ben Staley -- 4/9/2001, 2:38 pm
- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
- Re: Run-out? once again please
- Re: greenland paddle warpage
- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Roger Nuffer -- 4/8/2001, 8:27 pm - thank you everyone!
- Re: greenland paddle warpage