I just made my first Greenland stick and I was surprised at the stability of the western red cedar 2x4's I purchased. Actually, there were very few warped boards in the stack I looked through (100+ pieces). Unlike pine, even though the cedar was wet on the outside, it did not warp as it dried. I did get some splitting at the ends of a couple of pieces, but cutting off the split sections eliminated any further problem. I've got two more boards drying in the kitchen (I'm single, I can do that) that are as straight as the day I bought them.
The other bonus is that cedar is much lighter than pine. My finished paddle (based on Chuck Holst's design) came in at 27 ounces. Next time, I'll leave a little more meat in the blades (I want to try a different blade contour) and it should still be under 2 pounds. One thing about a Greenland stick is that it feels much lighter than a euro paddle of the same weight, since more of the mass is near the center, reducing the "swing weight" considerably.
Messages In This Thread
- greenland paddle warpage
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 4/8/2001, 6:52 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Greg Stamer -- 4/9/2001, 1:47 pm- thank you everyone!
brett (the hitman hart)onnink -- 4/9/2001, 6:50 pm
- Try cedar next time
Brian Nystrom -- 4/9/2001, 1:05 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Geo. Cushing -- 4/9/2001, 12:03 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Russell Brown -- 4/9/2001, 7:28 pm- Re: Pop'pal
Geo. Cushing -- 4/10/2001, 1:47 pm- Re: Pop'pal
Russell Brown -- 4/10/2001, 5:45 pm- Re: Pop'pal *Pic*
Geo. Cushing -- 4/13/2001, 3:21 pm
- Re: Pop'pal *Pic*
- Re: Pop'pal
- Re: Pop'pal
- Re: wood species
Tony -- 4/9/2001, 11:58 am- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Don Beale -- 4/8/2001, 11:59 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Rob Macks -- 4/8/2001, 9:05 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Steve L -- 4/8/2001, 11:08 pm- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Arthur -- 4/8/2001, 11:34 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please
Ben Staley -- 4/9/2001, 1:29 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 4/9/2001, 2:15 pm- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
Ben Staley -- 4/9/2001, 2:38 pm
- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
- Re: Run-out? once again please *Pic*
- Re: Run-out? once again please
- Re: greenland paddle warpage
- Re: greenland paddle warpage
Roger Nuffer -- 4/8/2001, 8:27 pm - thank you everyone!
- Re: greenland paddle warpage