Re: Got it. Hall.
In Response To: Re: Got it. Hall. (Julie Kanarr)
: "hull", rhyming with ??? (I'm drawing a blank on a rhyming word)
: but the "U" in the middle of the word sounds like
: "uh".
Rhymes with:
Cull, as in to remove something.
Dull, as in the dull chisel won't cut.
Gull, as is some kind of sea bird that poops on the poop deck
Hull ( of course)
Kull ( king Kull from the author of Conan the Barbarian)
lull, as in a calm moment (usually before a not-so-calm eternity)
Mull, as in to think over, or to heat up some apple cider or wine with spices
Null, nothing there
Skull. as in the thing you want to protect with a helmet
Tull ( Jethro)
but not full, bull, or pull.
hope this helps
Messages In This Thread
- building order?
sage -- 4/19/2001, 10:22 am- Re: building order?
John Monfoe -- 4/20/2001, 6:34 am- John, "hull" you keep saying "haul" *NM*
Stan Snapp -- 4/20/2001, 12:39 pm- Got it. Hall.
John Monfoe -- 4/21/2001, 6:26 am- Re: Got it. Hall.
Julie Kanarr -- 4/21/2001, 1:51 pm- Re: Got it. Hall.
Don Beale -- 4/22/2001, 12:32 pm- Baby Cab
John Monfoe -- 4/23/2001, 5:20 am
- Re: Got it. Hall.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/22/2001, 1:33 am- Re: No, I don't get it!! O.T.
Rehd -- 4/22/2001, 1:50 am- Re: Got it. Hall.
daren neufeld -- 4/22/2001, 1:38 am - Re: Got it. Hall.
- Re: Got it. Hall.
Stan Snapp -- 4/21/2001, 6:31 pm - Baby Cab
- Re: Got it. Hall.
- Re: Not to worry
Grant Goltz -- 4/20/2001, 3:43 pm- Re: An "Onery Haul"
Spidey -- 4/22/2001, 9:25 pm- Re: Not to worry
Don Beale -- 4/20/2001, 7:30 pm- Re: Not to worry
Angela Watson -- 4/20/2001, 8:43 pm- Can you say Guillemot ?
Robert Palmeter -- 4/21/2001, 7:17 am- Re: Can you say Guillemot ?
Angela Watson -- 4/21/2001, 9:10 pm- Re: Can you say Guillemot ?
daren neufeld -- 4/22/2001, 1:25 am
- Re: Can you say Guillemot ?
- Re: Can you say Guillemot ?
- Can you say Guillemot ?
- Re: Not to worry
- Re: Got it. Hall.
- Got it. Hall.
- Re: building order?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/19/2001, 4:29 pm- Re: building order?
Ross Leidy -- 4/19/2001, 10:41 am- Re: building order?
sage -- 4/19/2001, 11:23 am- Re: building order?
Ross Leidy -- 4/19/2001, 11:43 am- Re: building order?
Arthur -- 4/19/2001, 4:11 pm
- Re: building order?
- Re: building order?
- Re: building order?
Ben Staley -- 4/19/2001, 10:36 am- Re: building order?
sage -- 4/19/2001, 11:35 am- Re: building order?
Shawn Baker -- 4/19/2001, 1:50 pm- Re: building order?
Ben Staley -- 4/19/2001, 2:01 pm- Re: building order?
Rehd -- 4/19/2001, 8:39 pm
- Re: building order?
- Re: building order?
- Re: building order?
- John, "hull" you keep saying "haul" *NM*
- Re: building order?