Date: 4/25/2001, 1:53 am
It's a bit early to celebrate, as there is still much work to do, and she goes back on the forms tomorrow for sanding and then skinning. But... Just had to see her stand on her own. I hot glued some temp. deck beams in so will be alright for a little while. I have to glue 6 more floors in permanent and then dowel all the holes, sand and skin the hull. Not much progress, but some!! I checked the weight, with just the hull wood, no deck or anything else, and it checked out at 22lbs. Probably a bit heavy, but I used the 1 1/2" verticle keelson and 3/4" x 1" stringers, chines and gunwales, so I fully expect it to be a bit "Chunky". What do you figure with the rest of the deck, skin ( #12 cotton duck ) two seats ( minicell foam ) two or three coats of latex paint, a coat of sealer on the frame and floatation bags. About double?? Almost time to get the ole strongbench out in the garage and start forming the G.A.
Messages In This Thread
- Fledgling Walrus 18 1/2'er is Born *Pic*
Rehd -- 4/25/2001, 1:53 am- Re: Lookin' Good!
Spidey -- 4/25/2001, 10:56 pm - Re: It's about time! did I mention its About Time? *NM*
Roger Nuffer -- 4/25/2001, 12:13 pm - Re: Fledgling Walrus 18 1/2'er is Born
Bill Price -- 4/25/2001, 12:11 pm- Re: Fledgling Walrus 18 1/2'er is Born
Rehd -- 4/29/2001, 1:58 am
- Re: Fledgling Walrus 18 1/2'er is Born
- Re: Lookin' Good!