: No touching the boats.
Good point. For those unfamiliar with the Connecticut regulatory system, you should know that you must first get a boat-toucher license before you are permitted to touch boats. To qualify you must either be grandfathered in as a professional boat-toucher before September 21, 1986 , have been licensed in a state with licensing reciprocity, have completed building a wooden boat in the past 14.379 years, or pass a qualifying test.
The test to get a boat-touchers license in Connecticut is pretty tough. It is 39 pages and involves 4.7 hours of hands-on work. Then comes the oral test where you must identify the type, builder and port of origin of 3 boats by their taste.
Readers who have been hanging around this board may be able to con the regulator into giving out an interim "Boat-Toucher in Training" license until they get in all the paperwork and take the test. The 6 month waiting period makes it too late to get the full license before the event.
If you qualify for the license by one of the other criteria, but have not received your Connecticut license yet, be sure to bring proper documentation or a sample of your work as there might be regulatory inspectors at the event. The fine for unlicensed boat-touching is too severe to discribe on this bulletin board.
Messages In This Thread
- "Meet at the Beach" listing in WB
Rob Macks -- 4/25/2001, 11:56 am- Re: "Meet at the Beach" listing in WB
Jim -- 4/26/2001, 3:30 pm- Re: "Meet at the Beach" listing in WB
Jay Babina -- 4/26/2001, 2:04 pm- What if you don,t have a boat or paddle! *NM*
Tom-Atlanta -- 4/27/2001, 1:34 am- You'll have to look from a distance.
Jay Babina -- 4/27/2001, 10:31 am- Re: You'll have to look from a distance.
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/27/2001, 8:51 pm- Re: You'll have to look from a distance.
Bob -- 4/27/2001, 10:25 pm
- Re: You'll have to look from a distance.
Tom-Atlanta -- 4/27/2001, 2:45 pm - Re: You'll have to look from a distance.
- Come anyway. *NM*
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/27/2001, 10:01 am- Seriously though
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/27/2001, 3:04 am- Ever heard the phrase "You're up the creek"?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 4/27/2001, 3:01 am - Re: You'll have to look from a distance.
- You'll have to look from a distance.
- Re: "Meet at the Beach" listing in WB
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 4/25/2001, 2:46 pm - Re: "Meet at the Beach" listing in WB
- Re: "Meet at the Beach" listing in WB