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Re: Spots on the finish
Date: 5/4/2001, 9:37 pm
In Response To: Re: Spots on the finish (Paul Lund)

Hi Paul, thanks for the help, the spots are translucent white and just like dried rain spots, they vary in size and are fainter now after a scrub with soap and water but do not want to go away all together. Some you can hardly see except in the right light. They showed up after just two hours of paddling in this particular lake. Never had problems like this in Salt water or other fresh water lakes.

I was thinking of trying a vinager solution to see if that would take them off. Let me know what you think. Not a big deal, but curious as to the cause.


Hi Mike,

: First a few questions: What do the spots look like? How big? What colour?

: Do they look crystaline?

: Do they look like dried rain spots, but won't wash off like rain spots?

: Have they built up over a few outings, or did they appear after just one
: paddle?

: Any chance of you posting a pic?

: There should be a fairly easy way to remove them, if I can't work out a
: solution I'll ask some of the other Chemists in my lab.

: Cheers,

: Paul.

Messages In This Thread

Spots on the finish
Mike -- 5/4/2001, 1:26 am
Re: Spots on the finish
Julie Kanarr -- 5/5/2001, 10:03 am
Re: Spots on the finish
Mike -- 5/5/2001, 10:47 am
Re: Spots on the finish
Paul Lund -- 5/4/2001, 6:12 am
Re: Spots on the finish
Mike -- 5/4/2001, 9:37 pm
Re: Spots on the finish
Paul Lund -- 5/5/2001, 12:16 pm
Re: Spots on the finish
Rehd -- 5/5/2001, 10:07 pm
Re: Spots on the finish
Julie Kanarr -- 5/5/2001, 12:30 pm