Date: 6/24/2001, 3:16 pm
: Looking good Rehd!
Thanks Bill .... Only time will tell and it's running out quickly.
: Is that a stack of Ply I spy in the last pic? You planning on building a navy
: or what? :-)
That would be the same $40.00 pile that I got from the pallet guy, only I haven't gotten it into the barn yet. I made a couple of saw horses and my boat cradles out of it while it was in the way here. will be making a book shelf for my Mom soon as well. Gotta move it out so I can get my "Wing" out. Gotta go visit some friends and see if they're still going to P.T. with me and I'll be back to get that cockpit started. Also have some pictures ( better quality ) of the skinning coming back soon.
How are the twins coming along? You're going to have a barn full there real soon. I'm going to be cutting out the plywood for the Rob Roy this afternoon as well. With a little plastic on the floor, I can build that one in the dining-room as well. And I promised myself I wouldn't do that again. Shucks!! No dates for another couple of months.
More later.
Messages In This Thread
- Walrus " Double-Open" Progress *Pic*
Rehd -- 6/24/2001, 5:16 am- Golly Rehd your wood work looks like sculpture *NM*
!RUSS -- 6/24/2001, 6:54 pm- Re Thanks
Rehd -- 6/24/2001, 7:43 pm- Re: Re Thanks
Roger Nuffer -- 6/26/2001, 2:04 am- What would Spidey and Dale think?
Ken Sutherland -- 6/25/2001, 1:08 am- Re: What would Spidey and Dale think?
Roger Nuffer -- 6/26/2001, 1:58 am- Re: What would Spidey and Dale think?
Rehd -- 6/25/2001, 2:47 am - Re: What would Spidey and Dale think?
- What would Spidey and Dale think?
- Re: Re Thanks
- Re: Walrus " Double-Open" Progress
Bill Price -- 6/24/2001, 2:04 pm- Re: My $40 Plywood
Rehd -- 6/24/2001, 3:16 pm- Re: My $40 Plywood
!RUSS -- 6/24/2001, 7:00 pm- Re: Cookin and Sewin' just don't get it
Rehd -- 6/24/2001, 7:53 pm
- Re: Cookin and Sewin' just don't get it
- Re: My $40 Plywood
- Re Thanks
- Golly Rehd your wood work looks like sculpture *NM*