Date: 7/21/2001, 5:40 am
: I noticed on my stip canoe a little while back that pimples were forming in
: the finish. These raised lesions were brownish and felt rough. The boat
: was varnished with flagship on top of MAS epoxy. I varnished it outside
: and temp control was difficult but the varnish appeared and felt hard a
: couple of days later when it hit the water. These lesion seam to be
: spreading all over the boat and is quite ugly:( Obviously I will have to
: sand her down, possibly to glass but does anyone have any ideas what
: happened. I varnished my yak a weak latter inside the shop but otherwise
: application was the same. I haven't had any problems with it.
: Thanks
: Rick
Hi Rick,
I will try this again. I just got knock off AOl and lost my response to you. This happend to my kayak. My deck was hard to build and the strips were under a lot of bending stress. After glassing both halves, seperating them to finish the insides and glassing them together, I took my kayak outside to work in the light of the sun. I went into the house for a few hours and when I came out I had pimple forming all over the deck, not the hull. I believe the stress my deck strips were under even after glassing caused the glass to loosen up in the hot sun and form the pimples. I had to sand everything down to wood and reglass. That seems to have solved my problem and this hasn't happened since.
Messages In This Thread
- finish cancer?
rick M -- 7/21/2001, 12:17 am- Re: finish cancer?
Jay Babina -- 7/23/2001, 9:02 am- Re: finish cancer?
John Monfoe -- 7/21/2001, 5:47 am- Re: finish cancer?
rick M -- 7/21/2001, 7:41 pm
- Re: finish cancer?
John Monfoe -- 7/21/2001, 5:40 am - Re: finish cancer?
- Re: finish cancer?