Date: 7/26/2001, 5:44 am
: Since you're removing runs with a scraper,you can probably sand with finer
: grit than you're using. I prefer wet sanding varnish with 400 grit. It
: removes less material than 220 grit, yet easily takes off dust and other
: small irregularities. A quick (wet) rub down with 600 grit or an extra
: fine sanding sponge after the 400 grit leaves a scratch-free satin finish
: that, to me, looks better and more natural than a gloss finish (it looks
: like wood instead of glass or plastic. Try it and you may just forget
: about polishing.
OK, I won't use steel wool and I am off today to get some 400 and 600 grit to try your system Brian. And I will try Paul's way of preserving my varnish. Clever. I have been pouring it in another container and caping the orginal container right away. A couple of questions. I wet sanded one time with 220 and didn't like the way the white build up seem to take place on my sandpaper and also left in white residue on the boat that was hard to get off. Is this the way it is for you guys? And how many sheets of paper should it usually take to sand the boat one time? Drysanding, I keep cleaning out the white residue that keeps cloging the sandpaper. As you can see I don't know the techneque of what it should be like.
I do like the wiping way of putting on varnish since I think I would make a mess of it by brushing. Thanks REHD. I found an article where this guy wipes on poly and sands with 220 between coats but towards the the end he puts on a coat, waits 2 hours and wipes on another coat. I just have to try it today on my 5th and 6th coat.
Thanks for all of the infor-----John
Messages In This Thread
- Varnishing.
John Monfoe -- 7/25/2001, 6:28 am- Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello
Dave Houser -- 7/25/2001, 7:29 pm- Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello
Tony -- 7/26/2001, 1:54 pm- other sources for carbon dioxide
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/27/2001, 4:11 am
- try this
Paul G. -- 7/25/2001, 10:59 pm- Re: Propane works too
Don Beale -- 7/26/2001, 2:27 pm- Think methane would work? just hold it near..
Ben Staley -- 7/26/2001, 3:22 pm- Re: yeah - eat beans, insert tube! *NM*
Don Beale -- 7/27/2001, 6:11 pm- Varnishing by the light of your mooning?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/27/2001, 3:49 am- Nah.. It might draw flies to your fresh varnish
Ted Henry -- 7/26/2001, 5:43 pm - Varnishing by the light of your mooning?
- Re: yeah - eat beans, insert tube! *NM*
- Think methane would work? just hold it near..
- other sources for carbon dioxide
- Re: Varnishing.
Brian Nystrom -- 7/25/2001, 1:16 pm- As always--great information from all of you.
John Monfoe -- 7/26/2001, 5:44 am- Re: As always--great information from all of you.
Julie Kanarr -- 7/26/2001, 10:24 am- Re: And it doesnt take much
Don Beale -- 7/26/2001, 11:59 am- Put some water on it !!!
John Monfoe -- 7/26/2001, 1:44 pm
- Julie's right
Brian Nystrom -- 7/26/2001, 11:51 am - Put some water on it !!!
- Re: As always--great information from all of you.
Ken Sutherland -- 7/26/2001, 5:49 am- Try this link Ken.
John Monfoe -- 7/26/2001, 1:48 pm- Thanks John! *NM*
Ken Sutherland -- 7/26/2001, 11:28 pm
- Thanks John! *NM*
- Re: And it doesnt take much
- Re: As always--great information from all of you.
- Re: Varnishing.
Rehd -- 7/25/2001, 9:08 am - Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello
- Re: Avoiding Varnish Jello