Re: Fillet
By:Roy Morford
Date: 7/30/2001, 4:40 pm
Date: 7/30/2001, 4:40 pm
In Response To: Fillet (alex)
: I am building a stitch and glue kayak for the first time. I do not
: understand the how to make or use a fillet. As a begginer any simple
: advice will help. Espesualy good places to buy supplies. Thanks
I suggest you visit Ross Leidy's site and look at his pictures of a s&g kayak. In particular note how thin his fillets are. Most people make them far too thick and add unnecessary weight and expense. Good luck.
Messages In This Thread
- Fillet
alex -- 7/30/2001, 3:14 pm- Tha'ts Fillet -- As in: FILL IT
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/31/2001, 3:18 am- Re: Tha'ts Fillet -- As in: FILL IT
Tom G. -- 7/31/2001, 12:11 pm
- Re: Fillet
addison -- 7/30/2001, 5:21 pm- Re: Fillet
Roy Morford -- 7/30/2001, 4:40 pm- Re: Fillet
Jim -- 7/30/2001, 3:24 pm - Re: Tha'ts Fillet -- As in: FILL IT
- Tha'ts Fillet -- As in: FILL IT