My personal kayak - 3 yrs old - is getting heavier each year due to varnish. I've been using 300 wet prior to varn. coats. the 300 was recommended a few years back in an in-depth varnishing article in Wooden boat. the author said that 300 will give you a deeper gloss whereas the 220 shows micro scratches etc. Also, 300 just deglosses the surfaces for the next coat. Not for any leveling etc.
Now take this all with a grain of salt. I will sand some varn. off on my next varn. job because the kayak is gaining weight, and it's not my imagination. thats 3 years x 4 coats a year - granted some does come off but I'm gaining weight. My older kayak which I'm less fistideous about, used to weight more than the newer one, is now lighter.
I think once you get a good base, level coat going, you have to take some off and replace or you'll end up with extra weight like I'm getting. So the 22 grit has a lot of logic. I know that windsong canoes (outrageous varnish jobs) uses 320 between varn. coats. and 400 before the last coat.
Messages In This Thread
- Wet sanding and varnishing.
John Monfoe -- 7/28/2001, 5:42 am- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
Jay Babina -- 7/31/2001, 9:36 am- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
Rob Macks -- 7/28/2001, 2:23 pm- For the record...
Brian Nystrom -- 7/30/2001, 1:07 pm- Thanks to Rob for his finishing advices
Andreas Albat -- 7/30/2001, 11:25 am- Re: Thanks to Rob for his finishing advices
Rob Macks -- 7/30/2001, 12:44 pm
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
John Monfoe -- 7/29/2001, 2:19 am- trade the sanding for a day of paddling
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/30/2001, 3:27 am- Re: trade the sanding for a day of paddling
John Monfoe -- 7/30/2001, 4:37 am- getting a good seat to the BWCA
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/31/2001, 4:28 am- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
John Monfoe -- 7/31/2001, 5:15 am- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
Julie Kanarr -- 7/31/2001, 10:36 am- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
John Monfoe -- 8/1/2001, 4:31 am- BWCA...Not a bad seat in the house
!RUSS -- 7/31/2001, 3:57 pm- Re: BWCA...Not a bad seat in the house
John Monfoe -- 8/1/2001, 5:03 am
- BWCA...Not a bad seat in the house
- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
- getting a good seat to the BWCA
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
Steve L -- 7/29/2001, 9:30 pm - Re: trade the sanding for a day of paddling
- Thanks to Rob for his finishing advices
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.