Date: 7/31/2001, 10:36 am
: I am going to make it possible to hook a wide black
: type of bungy 6 or 8 inches from the back of the cockpit so I can move the
: seat forward with the back resting against the bungy and I will have two
: positions for paddling and evaluating the yak. The seat sides wedge tight
: between the side storage compartment and so the seat is held in place
: pretty good. A cord will attached to the seat so it won't float away if I
: tip over.
John --
You might want to think about using either webbing or a small diameter nylon line instead of the bungee cord behind the seat. The bungee cord will stretch as you lean back against the seat and you may find yourself tipping backwards when you don't want to....(unless you want to be going for the recliner effect).
If you have a good contact spot between the seat and the hull, you can also velcro the seat directly to the hull. Fabric stores should have wide (two inch) non-adhesive velcro... you'll want about a foot or two, so you can use 6 or 8 inch long strips & have some to experiment with. You can use contact cement to attach the strips to both the seat and the boat...(scuff up the varnish where you'll be attaching it so it will stick better.) It will hold well, but won't be a major pain to rip it out later when you redo the seat (though, if you're going to make a custom foam seat, velco is a good way to attach it to the boat.)
Julie Kanarr
Messages In This Thread
- Wet sanding and varnishing.
John Monfoe -- 7/28/2001, 5:42 am- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
Jay Babina -- 7/31/2001, 9:36 am- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
Rob Macks -- 7/28/2001, 2:23 pm- For the record...
Brian Nystrom -- 7/30/2001, 1:07 pm- Thanks to Rob for his finishing advices
Andreas Albat -- 7/30/2001, 11:25 am- Re: Thanks to Rob for his finishing advices
Rob Macks -- 7/30/2001, 12:44 pm
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
John Monfoe -- 7/29/2001, 2:19 am- trade the sanding for a day of paddling
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/30/2001, 3:27 am- Re: trade the sanding for a day of paddling
John Monfoe -- 7/30/2001, 4:37 am- getting a good seat to the BWCA
Paul G. Jacobson -- 7/31/2001, 4:28 am- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
John Monfoe -- 7/31/2001, 5:15 am- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
Julie Kanarr -- 7/31/2001, 10:36 am- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
John Monfoe -- 8/1/2001, 4:31 am- BWCA...Not a bad seat in the house
!RUSS -- 7/31/2001, 3:57 pm- Re: BWCA...Not a bad seat in the house
John Monfoe -- 8/1/2001, 5:03 am
- BWCA...Not a bad seat in the house
- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
- Re: getting a good seat to the BWCA
- getting a good seat to the BWCA
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
Steve L -- 7/29/2001, 9:30 pm - Re: trade the sanding for a day of paddling
- Thanks to Rob for his finishing advices
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.
- Re: Wet sanding and varnishing.