Date: 8/16/2001, 5:47 pm
: With the exception of the garage and shop vac, everything else goes into the
: yak. It took a lot of repacking but I finally was able to cram it all in
: my 12' yak.
: John
i do not know enough about real outbacking to really suggest less, but is there any way you could cut back a bit?
also if you do or don/t, test out the trim again and since you have no sprayskirt will waves come in. Carefully consider just boneass hotgluing some half sections of 1 1/4 pvc pipe all around the cockpit from below for a makeshift crap quick coaming that will keep the water out. Like cut the pvc into a C shape w/ the deck coming into the C like so C--- where the --- is the deck and you glob on the glue under the deck. Hot glue so you can heat it up and fix it on shore anywhere if screw up. just overlap the ends. Test out- i don't know if pvc hot glues, might melt. maybe abs.
i'm concerned you may be low or not level and waves from the back just roll into the cockpit from the back.
in packing, someone here said that less is actually way more. easy and useful that is. espec as you have a small yak.
Messages In This Thread
- Yak Pack *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 8/16/2001, 11:12 am- take an xtra paddle!
brett the hitman hart -- 8/18/2001, 9:32 am- I will whittle one out of wood.
John Monfoe -- 8/19/2001, 5:52 am
- Re: Yak Pack
John Monfoe -- 8/17/2001, 7:25 am- Bon Voyage Voyageur
!RUSS -- 8/17/2001, 4:29 pm
- Re: you guys are jealous
LeeG -- 8/16/2001, 9:09 pm- Jealous? ME ? *NM*
Othello -- 8/16/2001, 9:19 pm
- Re: Yak Pack
mike allen -- 8/16/2001, 5:47 pm- Re: Yak Pack
Jim -- 8/16/2001, 3:37 pm- Hope there is a camera in there
!RUSS -- 8/16/2001, 3:27 pm- Is it April 1st?
Bryan Sarauer -- 8/16/2001, 12:45 pm- Re: Yak Pack
Mark -- 8/16/2001, 12:06 pm- Re: Yak Pack
Mike -- 8/16/2001, 11:35 am- Got room for a Welsh Corgi? *NM*
John Soberay -- 8/16/2001, 11:14 am- Re: Got room for a Welsh Corgi?
Ric Altfather -- 8/16/2001, 8:14 pm
- I will whittle one out of wood.
- take an xtra paddle!