Date: 8/21/2001, 10:36 pm
I agree, it looks like it should blow all over the place. But it doesn't. Joe said it needed to be that high to balance the stern, and interestingly enough, when compared to a Guillemot it's less than 1" higher. The fine entry and low rocker forward plant that dude in its own bow wake at cruising speed. I watched it very carefully during the group paddle, especially downwind in following swells, and it showed no signs of weathercocking or broaching, even when Joe quit paddling to let stragglers catch up. My Guillemot on the other hand couldn't decide which side to swap ends on, so chose them at random.
Another related observation. Al Gunther's Mariner Max stripper clone looks awkward as hell, with deadwood hanging out all over. Looks like it should be a handful in even a puff of wind. But again looks are deceiving. It tracks on rails except when edged, and is supremely controllable. The King and the Max have very similar hullforms, despite the huge difference topsides. Coincidence? Methinks not.
Another facet that hasn't gotten much ink is the level of gizmology incorporated in the fitments. The carved walnut paddle park is a gem, the seatback is articulated for rolls, and there is the cleverest double bulkhead arrangement and day hatch giving access to the camelback bladder, and its retractable sip tube lives in a grommet just behind the cockpit on the port side. Throw some ice in the day hatch, and you can haul around margaritas!
Then of course the level of craftsmanship and finish would do a Steinway proud. This is the real deal folks. Pester Joe until he releases plans for this gem.
: Dale's image shows my one concern for the King design. That's a very high
: bow. Great for cutting into big swells, but what about windage?
: Roger
Messages In This Thread
- Tell us more about the Redfish King!
Keith Marsh -- 8/20/2001, 4:59 pm- Anyone know when a plan/kit will be available?
Brion - Seattle -- 8/21/2001, 5:31 pm- Re: Anyone know when a plan/kit will be available?
Don Beale -- 8/21/2001, 9:08 pm
- The King has new moves
Ted Henry -- 8/21/2001, 11:36 am- Re: The King
*NM* *Pic*
Ross Leidy -- 8/21/2001, 9:07 am- That King is dead, long live the new king! *NM*
Dale Frolander -- 8/21/2001, 6:27 pm- Hmmm... looks much shorter than 17' 9" ;-) *NM*
Keith Marsh -- 8/21/2001, 10:02 am- Re: The King
Jim Kozel -- 8/21/2001, 9:42 am - Hmmm... looks much shorter than 17' 9" ;-) *NM*
- Re: Tell us more about the Redfish King!
Roger Nuffer -- 8/21/2001, 2:50 am- Re: I didn't get to paddle it...
Shawn Baker -- 8/21/2001, 10:51 am- Naner, Naner, I did. *Pic*
Dale Frolander -- 8/21/2001, 6:32 pm- a concern for the King
Roger Nuffer -- 8/21/2001, 8:26 pm- Re: a concern for the King
Pete Rudie -- 8/21/2001, 10:36 pm- Re: a concern for the King
Dale Frolander -- 8/21/2001, 11:01 pm
- Re: a concern for the King
- Re: a concern for the King
- Re: I didn't get to paddle it...
Roger Nuffer -- 8/21/2001, 6:01 pm- Re: I didn't get to paddle it...
Bill Price -- 8/21/2001, 12:46 pm - a concern for the King
- Naner, Naner, I did. *Pic*
- Re: Tell us more about the Redfish King!
Dale Frolander -- 8/20/2001, 10:43 pm- Re: Tell us more about the Redfish King!
Mike Hanks -- 8/20/2001, 5:35 pm - Re: Anyone know when a plan/kit will be available?
- Anyone know when a plan/kit will be available?