Date: 8/29/2001, 12:48 pm
If I read this right, it's not a big advantage. The third weekend in August is the date, let say thats the 25th ( no calender - sorry). But to reserve, you go to the first of the month five months ahead - thats April 1st. In order to reserve earlier than 1-april, you'd have to block out 26 days, to reserve for the end of July and send in your request on the 1st of March. But there's a 10-day limit, so were still limited to 1-April. Is there an advantage to reserving the week prior, even though you cant send in the reservation any earlier?
It just seems to me, if we all let the park know that were with the same group, and we all send in reservations at the earliest possible date (1-Apr) that they will do thier best to put us together. Even if we dont get 1-15, and end up at the other end of the lower camp that's pretty good. Maybe better, it's a little more sheltered. The KISS theory...
: There are ways to get campsite some of you may not know.
: It's a little known secret the park service won't tell you about but does
: nothing to stop it. 10 day max stay, reserve 5 months in advance, $7
: processing fee. You'll be there for 3 nights, reserve for 10 with the last
: nights being the one's you really want. Wait awhile and cancell the
: earlier 7 nights ($7 fee). This gives you a 7 day jump on the rest of the
: campers who are trying to reserve those wanted 3 days. The cancellation
: fee is only the $7 processing fee.
: By doing this you can get the beach front sites. The only bug is taht someone
: may not be leaving when you your 10 days window opens, you then try for 9
: the next day and 8 the day after. This works and is being used by the savy
: campers.
Messages In This Thread
- R2K2-no early reservations
Don Beale -- 8/28/2001, 1:06 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony
Roger Nuffer -- 8/28/2001, 5:25 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony
Ken Sutherland -- 8/28/2001, 10:21 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony
Don Beale -- 8/28/2001, 11:15 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony
Shawn Baker -- 8/29/2001, 3:30 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony
Ken Sutherland -- 8/29/2001, 11:03 pm
- Re: Awards Ceremony
- Re: Awards Ceremony
- Re: Awards Ceremony
- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
Shawn Baker -- 8/28/2001, 6:24 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
gary -- 8/29/2001, 11:56 am- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
Don Beale -- 8/29/2001, 12:48 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
Gary r -- 8/30/2001, 12:19 am- Re: The Reservation Game
Shawn Baker -- 8/30/2001, 10:13 am
- Re: The Reservation Game
- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
Don Beale -- 8/28/2001, 7:52 pm- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
Stan Snapp -- 8/28/2001, 8:43 pm
- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
- Re: Awards Ceremony - Most Campsites Reserved
- Re: Awards Ceremony
- Re: Awards Ceremony