Boat Building Forum

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Re: Neti Pots
Date: 9/5/2001, 7:40 pm
In Response To: Neti Pots *Pic* (Dan Ruff)

I use an ear syringe. Mix eight teaspoons of salt and four teaspoons of baking soda in one gallon of water. You can use distilled water, but I use tap water. I got this from my doctor after sinus surgery. Just fill the syringe and squirt the water up your nose with your mouth open. This is good after sanding on your kayak all day. You will be amazed at what can get by a facemask. Later on, bend over and let the little kids marvel at all the water that drains out of your nose.

Messages In This Thread

Salted Sinuses
Don Beale -- 9/4/2001, 5:55 pm
Re: What Happened to the Schnoz?
Chip Sandresky -- 9/10/2001, 6:13 pm
Re: What Happened to the Schnoz?
Don Beale -- 9/10/2001, 7:00 pm
Re: What Happened to the Schnoz?
risto -- 9/11/2001, 1:24 pm
Re: What Happened to the Schnoz?
Don Beale -- 9/11/2001, 6:02 pm
Long term effects to the Schnoz? Beware ;)
risto -- 9/13/2001, 10:36 am
Re: Breath...
Don Beale -- 9/13/2001, 6:54 pm
Re: What Happened to the Schnoz?
Rehd -- 9/10/2001, 10:53 pm
Re: What Happened to the Schnoz?
Chip Sandresky -- 9/10/2001, 7:10 pm
Re: What Happened to the Schnoz?
Don Beale -- 9/10/2001, 7:47 pm
Salted Sinuses = sinus infection
Brian Nystrom -- 9/5/2001, 12:12 pm
Re: Salted Sinuses = sinus infection
Don Beale -- 9/5/2001, 1:53 pm
Neti Pots *Pic*
Dan Ruff -- 9/5/2001, 10:24 am
Re: Neti Pots
Ronnie -- 9/5/2001, 7:40 pm
A cheaper solution
Brian Nystrom -- 9/5/2001, 12:07 pm
Re: Neti Pots
Bob Deutsch -- 9/5/2001, 11:09 am
Re: WOW! cool photo, don't see that every day! *NM*
Ben Staley -- 9/5/2001, 10:38 am
Re: Salted Sinuses
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 9/5/2001, 8:53 am
Re: Salted Sinuses
Shawn Baker -- 9/5/2001, 10:22 am
Re: Salted Sinuses
Paul G. Jacobson -- 9/5/2001, 4:18 am
Home Remedies
!RUSS -- 9/5/2001, 8:20 am
Re: little bottle of alcohol
LeeG -- 9/5/2001, 9:18 am
Re: Salted Sinuses
Bob Deutsch -- 9/4/2001, 7:28 pm
What's the street value of salt water?! *NM*
Darryl Strawberry & Dwight Gooden -- 9/4/2001, 9:20 pm
Re: Priceless when infected
Dave Houser -- 9/4/2001, 11:25 pm
Re: It's good for you
Chip Sandresky -- 9/4/2001, 6:35 pm
Re:How about trouble focusing at work? :)
Ben Staley -- 9/4/2001, 6:00 pm