Giving blood
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 9/12/2001, 9:48 am
Date: 9/12/2001, 9:48 am
In Response To: Unexpected Interruption (Roger Nuffer)
: As I listen to the radio I keep thinking to myself, “What can I do?” I’ve
: never given blood before so this might be the first time.
I frequently donated blood throughout the time I was in college (almost to the 2-gallon mark, and they only take a pint at a time).
Yesterday, I was sitting in the dentist's chair, getting my teeth cleaned, and watching replays on CNN, and it hit me !doh!, I shouldn't be sitting can't give blood for a month after having dental work done.
I'll be in line in a month...there will still be a lot of people who need it then.
Messages In This Thread
- Condolences
Charles Cooper -- 9/11/2001, 10:58 am- Re: Condolences
Ed Walshe -- 9/13/2001, 9:17 am- Re: Condolences
Hans Friedel -- 9/12/2001, 4:19 pm- Re: Condolences
Ken Sutherland -- 9/13/2001, 12:26 am
- Re: Condolences
Paul Lund -- 9/12/2001, 1:58 am- Re: Condolences
Jack Gilman -- 9/11/2001, 10:26 pm- Re: Condolences
erez -- 9/11/2001, 8:14 pm- Re: Condolences
Craig Peterson -- 9/11/2001, 10:05 pm- Re: Heroes
Don Beale -- 9/12/2001, 8:16 pm- Re: Heroes
Craig Peterson -- 9/12/2001, 9:56 pm- Re: condolences
LeeG -- 9/15/2001, 3:37 pm
- Re: condolences
- Re: Condolences
Julie Kanarr -- 9/12/2001, 3:30 pm- My Condolences to you and your family
Steve -- 9/12/2001, 2:41 pm- I'm terribly sorry
Shawn Baker -- 9/12/2001, 9:45 am - Re: Heroes
- Re: Heroes
- Condolences as well
mike allen ---> -- 9/11/2001, 11:33 am- Re: Condolences as well
100GRIT -- 9/11/2001, 5:19 pm- Unexpected Interruption
Roger Nuffer -- 9/11/2001, 7:03 pm- Giving blood
Shawn Baker -- 9/12/2001, 9:48 am- Re: Unexpected Interruption
daren neufeld -- 9/11/2001, 9:02 pm - Re: Unexpected Interruption
- Giving blood
- Unexpected Interruption
- Re: Condolences
- Re: Condolences