Date: 9/13/2001, 2:25 pm
Pete --
You ROCK! I've got a straight-edged scraper that I never even thought about using, I'll give that a shot when I'm home for lunch today. I'll run by the hardware store to see if they have anything that'll suffice for a goose-necked scraper to deal with smoothing out the bead.
The duct tape is definately a good idea. If/when I need to run another fillet, I'll definately use that strategy. Live & learn, I guess. I'll need to make a note of that to remember for next time.
Thanks again. I really appreciate it!
Rick Brannan
: A gooseneck cabinet scraper (the bottom of the 3 in the pic) should work for
: this, either store-bought or built out of a hacksaw blade or other steel
: remnant. An ordinary paint scraper will clean up the edges OK, but won't
: do a very good job on the bead itself. The beauty of the scraper is that
: you can use it while the epoxy is still green and easy to cut. If you try
: to sand it at that stage of cure, it just makes a mess and gums up the
: paper.
: Next time, lay down duct tape 1/4" away from the joint on both the
: horizontal and vertical, tool the putty so it feathers at the edge of the
: tape, and pull the tape either right away or when the epoxy starts to gel.
Messages In This Thread
- 'Glassing the Deck *Pic*
Rick Brannan -- 9/11/2001, 4:35 pm- Re: 'Glassing the Deck
Shawn Baker -- 9/11/2001, 6:16 pm- Re: 'Glassing the Deck
Rick Brannan -- 9/11/2001, 7:35 pm- Re: 'Glassing the Deck *Pic*
Rick Brannan -- 9/13/2001, 1:08 pm- Re: 'Glassing the Deck *Pic*
Pete Rudie -- 9/13/2001, 1:31 pm- Re: 'Glassing the Deck
Rick Brannan -- 9/13/2001, 2:25 pm- Re: Modify Your Scraper
Dave Houser -- 9/14/2001, 1:33 am- Re: Modify Your Scraper
Rehd -- 9/14/2001, 9:59 am
- Re: Modify Your Scraper
- Cross-training
Pete Rudie -- 9/13/2001, 2:38 pm
- Re: Modify Your Scraper
- Re: 'Glassing the Deck
- Re: 'Glassing the Deck *Pic*
- Re: Clear Fillets?
Dave Houser -- 9/12/2001, 6:25 pm - Re: 'Glassing the Deck
Jim -- 9/12/2001, 9:50 am - How "shortly" is shortly?
Shawn Baker -- 9/12/2001, 9:41 am- Re: How "shortly" is shortly?
Rick Brannan -- 9/12/2001, 7:27 pm
- Re: How "shortly" is shortly?
- Re: 'Glassing the Deck *Pic*
- Re: 'Glassing the Deck
- Re: 'Glassing the Deck