Re: Thanks Shawn!
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 9/14/2001, 10:44 am
Date: 9/14/2001, 10:44 am
In Response To: Re: Thanks Shawn! (Don Beale)
: Those are cool pictures, it's just what I needed. I gotta get out, try to get
: my mind off of war...
I'm crossing my fingers for a storm on Flathead this weekend. Same thinking...
:How did you manage to shoot them while staying
: upright?!
Narrow boat and relaxed hips. It actually wasn't too bad.
I held my paddle in my left hand with the blade submerged, which helped a little. I was surprised, though, that only one came out fuzzy.
Safe paddling and take care,
Messages In This Thread
- R2K1 (Rough Water) Navigation Class Photos *Pic*
Shawn Baker -- 9/13/2001, 10:51 am- Re: Thanks Shawn!
Don Beale -- 9/13/2001, 12:10 pm- Re: Thanks Shawn!
Shawn Baker -- 9/14/2001, 10:44 am- call that rough water... tsk, tsk
risto -- 9/14/2001, 1:47 pm- Not the World's Roughest, but fun!!
Shawn Baker -- 9/14/2001, 3:58 pm- Re: It does look kinda tame huh? *NM*
Don Beale -- 9/14/2001, 2:14 pm- 'Tame' enough to make you want to go back!
Shawn Baker -- 9/14/2001, 4:39 pm
- Re: It does look kinda tame huh? *NM*
- Not the World's Roughest, but fun!!
- call that rough water... tsk, tsk
- Links only give excuses
risto -- 9/13/2001, 10:53 am- A solution
Ted Henry -- 9/13/2001, 11:34 am- Ahhh... the quick and dirty fix! love it
risto -- 9/14/2001, 1:46 pm
- Ahhh... the quick and dirty fix! love it
- Re: Thanks Shawn!
- Re: Thanks Shawn!