Re: One last tip
By:Ben Staley
Date: 9/17/2001, 10:46 am
Date: 9/17/2001, 10:46 am
In Response To: Thanks for all the tips! (Doug East)
I've found that inverting the boat every 5 to 10 min. really takes the stress off your bum and keeps the blood flowing nicely!!
Messages In This Thread
- Uncomfotable!
Doug East -- 9/15/2001, 4:31 pm- Who said it would be comfortable?!
Jim Pace -- 9/15/2001, 11:28 pm- Thanks for all the tips!
Doug East -- 9/16/2001, 9:16 pm- Re: One last tip
Ben Staley -- 9/17/2001, 10:46 am- You mean you do handstands? WOW!
risto -- 9/17/2001, 12:37 pm
- You mean you do handstands? WOW!
- Re: One last tip
- Re: Uncomfotable! *Pic*
Ken Sutherland -- 9/15/2001, 10:14 pm- Re: Uncomfotable!
John Schroeder -- 9/15/2001, 6:43 pm - Thanks for all the tips!
- Who said it would be comfortable?!