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Re: Garmin etrex OT
By:Ken Sutherland
Date: 9/21/2001, 5:01 pm
In Response To: Re: Garmin etrex rocks (Roger Nuffer)


Thanks for the link. Interesting info, by viewing the maps available there is not enough detail in the areas that I do most of my kayaking and canoeing (central Canada) to make the higher end units any more useful than the standard Etrex. Being a cheap scotsman, if there is no major improvements in the map detail for the new models I will most likely get the Etrex.


: Ken,
: Here�s a helpful link.

: Click on the link below. On the right hand side of the page is the �Mapsource
: Map Viewer�. Click on �select a map product down arrow� to find the
: country, province or state you are interested in. There are sometimes
: multiple styles of maps that cover the same area.

: I�ve found these map viewers quite interesting. I like to open multiple
: styles and zoom into the same area to see how they compare.

: You might be right about the Canadian maps. They don't seem to have the level
: of detail that's included with the stateside maps.

: Roger


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Re: Garmin etrex rocks
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Re: Garmin etrex rocks
Ken Sutherland -- 9/16/2001, 8:14 am
Re: Garmin etrex rocks
Roger Nuffer -- 9/17/2001, 1:29 am
Re: Garmin etrex OT
Ken Sutherland -- 9/21/2001, 5:01 pm
Re: Garmin etrex OT
daren neufeld -- 9/21/2001, 9:22 pm
Re: Garmin etrex OT
Ken Sutherland -- 9/22/2001, 1:48 pm
Re: Garmin etrex OT
daren neufeld -- 9/22/2001, 2:33 pm
Re: Garmin etrex OT
Ken Sutherland -- 9/22/2001, 8:02 pm
Re: Garmin etrex OT
daren neufeld -- 9/22/2001, 8:34 pm
Re: Garmin etrex rocks
Ken Sutherland -- 9/16/2001, 1:08 am