Date: 9/24/2001, 7:27 am
: I will be picking up my grandpa's table saw and jointer, which are mounted on
: a table my dad made in metal shop class. It's an approximately late 60's /
: early 70's vintage Delta Milwaukee in nice shape except for old wiring
: that will probably have to be replaced. It doesn't have any table
: extensions, so there's only about 8" of support on the left side of
: the blade, but there are 3 threaded holes in that side of the top. Are
: these extensions fairly standard? D'ya think I could get one to fit this
: saw?
: Thanx,
: Dean
Delta is good equipment. I would first contact Delta and see what they can do for you. I would guess that machined cast iron extentions were made to fit your table saw. This is what my old 10" Sears table saw has, which was made in the 60's and I wouldn't trade it for any of the new tinny Craftman's 10 inchers.
Messages In This Thread
- table saw question
Dean Trexel -- 9/23/2001, 11:29 pm- Re: table saw question
Geo. Cushing -- 9/24/2001, 4:08 pm- Huge Table Saw
John Monfoe -- 9/25/2001, 7:16 am- Re: Huge Table Saw
George Cushing -- 9/26/2001, 12:28 pm- Huge Table Saw but smaller then I said, sorry. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 9/27/2001, 11:31 am- 30" dual disc sander.. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 9/27/2001, 11:37 am- Re: Heavy Machines
Geo. Cushing -- 9/28/2001, 3:13 pm
- Re: Heavy Machines
- Re: Huge Table Saw
John Monfoe -- 9/26/2001, 6:26 pm - 30" dual disc sander.. *Pic*
- Huge Table Saw but smaller then I said, sorry. *Pic*
- Re: Huge Table Saw
- Re: table saw question
Mike Nicholson -- 9/24/2001, 8:15 am- Re: Good Answer
Rehd -- 9/24/2001, 10:09 am- Re: found it! Try this
Rehd -- 9/25/2001, 2:55 am- Re: that's a beautiful thing! *NM*
Jon Limebrook -- 9/25/2001, 11:05 am- Re: found it! Try this
Jim -- 9/25/2001, 10:42 am - Re: found it! Try this
- Re: that's a beautiful thing! *NM*
- Re: found it! Try this
- Re: table saw question
John Monfoe -- 9/24/2001, 7:27 am- Re: Old Craftsman table saw question
Shawn Baker -- 9/25/2001, 11:37 am- Re: Old Craftsman table saw question
John Monfoe -- 9/26/2001, 6:14 pm- Re: Old Craftsman table saw question
John Monfoe -- 9/27/2001, 6:41 am
- Re: Old Craftsman table saw question
George Cushing -- 9/26/2001, 12:50 pm - Re: Old Craftsman table saw question
- Re: Old Craftsman table saw question
- Huge Table Saw
- Re: table saw question