Re: From a distance......
In Response To: Re: From a distance...... (Roy Morford)
: The dseign is Steve Killing's Reliance shortened to 20 feet and it's all
: western red cedar. I was able to find a couple of fairly light planks and
: one really dark for the contrasting stripes.
Looks great Roy. Amazed at the contrast you have in WRC. I just built an Endeavor from same stable and call it a 20 ft boat also, but that's because you want to look at it from 20 ft or more. How did you put those deck bungees in?
Just drill thru the sheer clamps and seal the wood?
Messages In This Thread
- From a distance...... *Pic*
Roy Morford -- 9/25/2001, 9:30 pm- Re: From a distance......
Steve M -- 9/26/2001, 11:32 am- Re: From a distance......
Roy Morford -- 9/26/2001, 12:17 pm- Re: From a distance......
Charles Cooper -- 9/27/2001, 2:04 pm
- Re: From a distance......
- Re: From a distance......
Jim Kozel -- 9/26/2001, 9:42 am- Re: From a distance......
Roy Morford -- 9/26/2001, 10:10 am- Re: From a distance......
Jim -- 9/26/2001, 10:37 am- Re: From a distance......
Roy Morford -- 9/26/2001, 11:07 am
- Re: From a distance......
- Re: From a distance......
- Congratulations Roy. Very nice. JJ. *NM*
JIM MCCOOL -- 9/26/2001, 8:11 am- Looks perfect to me. *NM*
John Monfoe -- 9/26/2001, 4:30 am- Nice Accent Stripes
Roger Nuffer -- 9/26/2001, 1:38 am- Re: What mistakes??
John Schroeder -- 9/25/2001, 11:57 pm- Re: From a distance......
daren neufeld -- 9/25/2001, 11:49 pm - Re: From a distance......
- Re: From a distance......