Date: 10/3/2001, 5:27 pm
: Hi there I was wondering if anyone can tell me the diference between these 2
: plywoods the 1088 or it could be 1988 is about $10 canadian more the bs
: 6566 about $93.00 for 6566 or $103.00 for the bs1988 maybe I should just
: take my chances with doorskins at $15.00 a sheet ,what do you guys say I
: can pick through the doorskins at my local building supply store
: Thanks Bert
I built a Yare out of 4x8 sheets of 1/8" (the stamp said 3mm) lauan ply. I got the lauan ($7.49 ea.) at a Lowes in Long Beach, CA that had just opened, so all of their lumber was new and not picked over or shop worn. I got some nice pieces without plugs and the core voids were few and small say 1/16". I made the Yare (which tortures the heck out of the panels) with no special precautions and without filling the voids. I did cover the outside with 2.3 oz cloth (design in the "Kayak Shop" said cloth was optional).
Since the Yare tends to want to float upside down I am now making another S&G of more popular design (that is more seaworthy) and have purchased 4mm Okoume 1088 ($25.55 ea. at Bohnhoff Lumber in L.A.). In comparing the luaun and the 1088 ply I noted the outside plys of the 1088 are a hair thicker and there are no obvious voids in the 1088 core.
If I were to make another kayak out of 3mm I would not hesitate using the luaun if I could get the same quality (the quality of lauan varies greatly from lot to lot). To add extra thickness in cloth and epoxy to 3mm luaun to try and equal 4mm okoume would be a case of false economy.
Messages In This Thread
- bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Bert -- 10/2/2001, 11:04 pm- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Roger Nuffer -- 10/4/2001, 10:03 pm- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Rehd -- 10/5/2001, 12:03 am- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Roger Nuffer -- 10/5/2001, 2:48 am- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Bill H -- 10/6/2001, 12:16 am
- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
daren neufeld -- 10/5/2001, 2:16 am
- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
- Re: bs1088 okoume vs luaun
Dave Houser -- 10/3/2001, 5:27 pm - Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Ross Sieber -- 10/3/2001, 9:37 am - Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Dave Kreiton -- 10/3/2001, 6:31 am - Re: I'd go with door-skins
Rehd -- 10/3/2001, 1:31 am- Re: I'd go with door-skins
Joe -- 10/3/2001, 10:18 am
- Re: I'd go with door-skins
- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins
Terry -- 10/3/2001, 1:29 am
- Re: bs6566 okoume vs bs1088 vs doorskins