Re: Looks like a baidarka frame is on eBay
By:Keith Marsh
Date: 10/9/2001, 11:43 pm
Date: 10/9/2001, 11:43 pm
In Response To: Looks like a baidarka frame is on eBay (Keith Marsh)
Looks like the auction ended with a high bid of $142.50 but didn't get past the reserve price, so it didn't sell. I sent the seller an e-mail asking if he knew who made it or when it was made... but he didn't respond.
: Anybody else see this? There is a reserve so I don't know what the guy is
: asking for it. It's probably not useable (the seller says it's been
: exposed to the elements, but who knows how long), but it looks very cool.
: If I was a little closer to South Carolina, I'd definitely look into it
: further.
: - Keith Marsh
Messages In This Thread
- Looks like a baidarka frame is on eBay
Keith Marsh -- 10/8/2001, 4:30 pm- Re: Looks like a baidarka frame is on eBay
Keith Marsh -- 10/9/2001, 11:43 pm- Re: Looks like a baidarka frame is on eBay
Mark Woodhead -- 10/10/2001, 10:11 am- Re: I wanted to see the light fixture
Roger Nuffer -- 10/10/2001, 1:25 am - Re: I wanted to see the light fixture
- No- it's a light fixture!!!
Malcolm Schweizer -- 10/8/2001, 7:16 pm- It would take a lot of work for any use
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/8/2001, 10:22 pm- Re: It would take a lot of work for any use
Mark Woodhead -- 10/9/2001, 1:29 am
- Re: No- it's a light fixture!!!
Keith Marsh -- 10/8/2001, 9:40 pm - Re: It would take a lot of work for any use
- Re: Looks like a baidarka frame is on eBay
- Re: Looks like a baidarka frame is on eBay