Date: 10/12/2001, 3:57 am
: Just wondering if polyurethane glue (like gorilla glue) would work as well as
: epoxy on a scarf joint like this. I have found it much easier to work with
: than epoxy and it seems to be as strong in some other applications. I find
: myself reaching for the bottle (of glue ) often.
: What are some of the shortcommings of the poly glue I should watch out for?
I have not used gorilla glue very much just on furniture projects. It doesn't get as hard as epoxy and I don't know how compatible it is with epoxy. I do know the epoxy makes a waterproof joint that is stronger than the wood. It is tedious to use but on the plywood hull a good structural joint is critical and it really shows so aesthetics is also important.
On a plywood scarf I mask, with clear packing tape, the finish surfaces up to the edge of the scarf to avoid having to sand any goobers off later and to avoid the light blotch that occurs from wetting, curing and sanding before wetting out the entire surface. I spread polyethylene sheet on the floor. Prewet the plywood scarf surfaces with unthickened epoxy and let it soak in. While soaking I thicken the remaining epoxy with chopped fiber (not too stiff, like mayo, it does dry out little when applied to the prewetted joint). Chopped fiber is supposed to make the strongest joint. Lightly butter both surfaces of the joint. Make up and align the joint on the polyethylene. Cover with polyethylene and weight. Check the alignment with a string line and then check the alignment of the joint and let cure. Makes a good looking joint but it takes time. Get a copy of the West System literature from a boat shop, it is a good read on epoxy systems. I use Raka epoxy it is cheaper.
On miscellaneous joints I do short cut by just thickening the epoxy leaving it a little thinner and then buttering the mating surfaces and letting them sit for a minute and then clamping.
Messages In This Thread
- scarfing 3mm ply
Dean Trexel -- 10/10/2001, 2:13 am- Re: scarfing 3mm ply
Dave Houser -- 10/10/2001, 3:37 pm- Re: scarfing 3mm ply..Would poly glue work??
Ben Staley -- 10/11/2001, 3:24 pm- Re: scarfing 3mm ply..Would poly glue work??
SOB -- 10/13/2001, 1:42 pm - Re: scarfing 3mm ply..Would poly glue work??
Dave Houser -- 10/12/2001, 3:57 am
- Re: scarfing 3mm ply..Would poly glue work??
- Re: scarfing 3mm ply..Would poly glue work??
- Re: scarfing 3mm ply
Tapio Manner -- 10/10/2001, 12:44 pm - Re: scarfing 3mm ply
steve hartmann -- 10/10/2001, 8:08 am - Re: scarfing 3mm ply
Craig Bumgarner -- 10/10/2001, 8:05 am - Re: scarfing 3mm ply
LeeG -- 10/10/2001, 8:04 am
- Re: scarfing 3mm ply