Date: 8/11/1998, 4:54 pm
I'm with you on the go with what your comfortable with. I look at the sizing "rules" as a "rule" of thumb - ie a good starting point. That having been said, I prefer a longer shafted paddle, based on trying out several different lengths. Have absolutely no idea if the length of the shaft maps to anything significant w/ regards to my personal physiology...but I sure can paddle the whole d*** day with it! Lastly, I think you should match up the blade style with your paddling style, and barring no style, what you feel most comfortable with.
my .02 worth
> I've always heard of the above or similar methods for sizing
> a paddle. But I just have to say that I don't buy into it! Now this
> is just my opinion, and the results of the old rule of thumb and my
> analysis below might even come out with the same for most folks, but...
> What the heck should your leg length have to do with the size
> of a paddle?!?! It should be a function of your sitting body height,
> boat beam, sitting elevation relative to the water line, and personal
> preferences.
> I am in the process of deciding on a paddle myself and I think
> that the shaft portion should be measured separately from the shaft/blade
> combination.
> The shaft should be at least long enough to just reach the water
> (accross your boats beam, with you sitting at your normal height relative
> to the water level) when held properly. I think a proper grip is one
> with your hands placed at a distance apart that is equal to your elbow
> to elbow length with arms outstreched. A normal paddling stroke might
> be one with the upper hand at shoulder hieght, and the lower hand
> at elbow height. This should create a pivot point right about your
> solarplexes. So I claim that the shaft should be at least twice the
> distance from your solarplexes (spelling?) to the water, considering
> seat height, and kayak beam. You may want to make it longer.
> Then you have the blade decisions (size and shape) which is independent
> of shaft length.
> I claim that paddle sizing should be done with very little consideration
> given to your standing height or leg length. You paddle from a sitting
> position and paddles should be sized accordingly.
> I know that rules of thumb assume a somewhat standard ratio between
> leg length and overall height, or arm length to overall height. But
> I reject them as unnecessary indirect methods for measuring something
> that can be measured directly.
> There, now I've said it. I'm done venting. I feel better.
> Aloha,
> Paul
Messages In This Thread
- Paddle choice for CLC Patuxent 19.5
Brian C. -- 8/10/1998, 1:56 pm- Re: Paddle choice for CLC Patuxent 19.5
NPenney -- 8/11/1998, 7:43 am- Re: Paddle choice for CLC Patuxent 19.5
Al Bratton -- 8/10/1998, 8:20 pm- Re: Paddle choice for CLC Patuxent 19.5
Brent Curtis -- 8/11/1998, 8:57 am- How about a boat in the living room of a second story apartment?
Brian C. -- 8/11/1998, 5:05 pm- Re: How about a boat in the living room of a second story apartment?
jim champoux -- 8/13/1998, 10:30 am- morning hurdles
Brian C. -- 8/13/1998, 1:49 pm
- Re: How about a boat in the living room of a second story apartment?
Martin Foil -- 8/11/1998, 5:09 pm- apartment not a condo
Brian C. -- 8/11/1998, 6:01 pm
- morning hurdles
- Re: Boats in the basement
Ross Leidy -- 8/11/1998, 11:41 am- Re: Boats in the basement
jim champoux -- 8/11/1998, 2:25 pm
- Re: How about a boat in the living room of a second story apartment?
- 22in dead on
Brian C. -- 8/10/1998, 8:41 pm- Re: 22in dead on
Al Bratton -- 8/10/1998, 8:59 pm- paddle sizing (shaft length)
Paul Stomski -- 8/11/1998, 3:26 pm- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Nick Schade -- 8/14/1998, 2:27 pm- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Mark Kanzler -- 8/14/1998, 3:15 pm
- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Al Bratton -- 8/12/1998, 8:02 am- divergent threads
Paul Stomski -- 8/12/1998, 3:14 pm- Re: divergent threads
Mark Kanzler -- 8/12/1998, 5:14 pm- Re: divergent threads
Scotty -- 8/12/1998, 9:20 pm- ELECTRONIC FRONT PORCH
Scotty -- 8/12/1998, 9:33 pm
- Re: divergent threads
- original question - from the person that wrote it
Brian C. -- 8/12/1998, 2:09 pm- Re: original question & divergent links
Timothy - Toronto, Ontario -- 8/12/1998, 4:38 pm- They changed the stroking technique that much!!
Brian C. -- 8/12/1998, 6:59 pm- Re: They changed the stroking technique that much!!
Bram -- 8/15/1998, 8:21 pm
- That was not me - I never get personal
Brian C. -- 8/12/1998, 4:53 pm- Re: That was not me - I never get personal
Timothy - Toronto, Ontario -- 8/13/1998, 8:40 am- Re: That was not me - I never get personal
Timothy - Toronto, Ontario -- 8/13/1998, 8:36 am- Re: That was not me - I never get personal
Mark Kanzler -- 8/13/1998, 10:29 am- Re: That was not me - I never get personal
Timothy - Toronto, Ontario -- 8/13/1998, 11:16 am- Re: The Roll
Mark Kanzler -- 8/14/1998, 12:58 am
- Re: The Roll
- Re: That was not me - I never get personal
- Re: That was not me - I never get personal
- Re: They changed the stroking technique that much!!
- They changed the stroking technique that much!!
- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Mark Kanzler -- 8/12/1998, 10:38 am- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Timothy - Toronto, Ontario -- 8/12/1998, 1:50 pm
- Re: divergent threads
- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Al Bratton -- 8/12/1998, 7:55 am- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Bram -- 8/15/1998, 8:28 pm
- Re: Solarplexes
Mike Spence -- 8/11/1998, 10:33 pm- Re: Solarplexes
Mark Kanzler -- 8/12/1998, 10:32 am- Re: Solarplexes
Mike Spence -- 8/12/1998, 10:53 am- Re: Solarplexes
Mark Kanzler -- 8/13/1998, 12:45 am
- Re: Solarplexes
- Re: Solarplexes
- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Martin Foil -- 8/11/1998, 4:54 pm- Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
Mark Kanzler -- 8/11/1998, 4:01 pm - Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
- Re: 22in dead on
Mark Kanzler -- 8/11/1998, 10:53 am - Re: paddle sizing (shaft length)
- paddle sizing (shaft length)
- How about a boat in the living room of a second story apartment?
- Re: Paddle choice for CLC Patuxent 19.5
Martin Foil -- 8/10/1998, 4:17 pm - Re: Paddle choice for CLC Patuxent 19.5
- Re: Paddle choice for CLC Patuxent 19.5