Date: 8/18/1998, 10:11 am
Mark Rogers of Superior Kayaks has been a student and teacher of traditonal building techniques of the Inuit and Alute (Greenland style and Baidarka styles). Mark's phone # is 414 732-3784. John Heath has researched a bunch, but I don't know if he is a builder. The Coles are great sources on Greenland paddling and rolling technique, but again, I am uncertain of their involvement in building.
> Next year I am thinking of going to Greenland to learn how to
> build kayaks from the Inuit's (Eskimo's) by there traditional means.
> This may be done as an honours project at university continuing on
> from my B.A. in outdoor education.
> Does anybody know if it would be possible to visit areas where
> traditional building takes place or have information of there traditional
> building methods?
> Thanks
Messages In This Thread
- Greenland kayak builders
Rob Rymill -- 8/18/1998, 1:36 am- Re: Greenland kayak builders
Mark Kanzler -- 8/18/1998, 10:33 am - Re: Greenland kayak builders
Reggie Baker -- 8/18/1998, 10:11 am - Re: Greenland kayak builders
Jay Babina -- 8/18/1998, 8:18 am
- Re: Greenland kayak builders