Boat Building Forum

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Re: Whitewater Strip Boats
By:Shawn Baker
Date: 10/1/1998, 6:27 pm
In Response To: Re: Whitewater Strip Boats (Mark Kanzler)

> I also want it to be a pretty boat. I was thinking of stretching it to
> about 13 ft. by immitating the top view of an existing whitewater design
> that I like the looks of, and scaling the sections to fit. Does that sound
> doable / reasonable?

I think you could build a beautiful 13 foot boat, but would it be functional?

It would be a tad too long (unwieldy) for whitewater, and due to its diminished hull length, would be a slow flatwater boat.

Just my $0.02


Messages In This Thread

Re: Whitewater Strip Boats
Mark Kanzler -- 9/30/1998, 7:13 pm
Re: Whitewater Strip Boats
Shawn Baker -- 10/1/1998, 6:27 pm
Mike Spence -- 9/30/1998, 11:44 pm
Re: Lack of Progress
Mark Kanzler -- 10/1/1998, 11:01 am