Boat Building Forum

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Re: Klepper frame
By:Edgar Kleindinst
Date: 10/31/1998, 2:53 pm
In Response To: Klepper frame (Jorge Daniel Morales) is a site I found by someone who makes folding Baidarkas. He may have some advice along those lines. Hope this helps...


> I have the frame of a Klepper folding kayak but I don't have the skin and
> buying a new one is $2000

> Does anyone have a suggestion on how to build one, materials, how to,
> source of materials etc.?

> All form of advise or info is welcome and greatly appreciated.

> Jorge 415/928-2839

Messages In This Thread

Klepper frame
Jorge Daniel Morales -- 10/29/1998, 4:31 pm
home made skin for a Klepper frame
Paul Jacobson -- 11/1/1998, 1:56 am
Re: Klepper frame
Edgar Kleindinst -- 10/31/1998, 2:53 pm
Baidarkas (folding)
Brian C. -- 11/3/1998, 12:35 am
Re: Baidarkas (folding)
Edgar Kleindinst -- 11/5/1998, 6:19 pm
Re: Klepper frame
Jorge Daniel Morales -- 11/1/1998, 3:02 am