The offsets given for the cockpit area on the errata page are good. If keep the data for edge of the cockpit you will get a funny littly jog as shown below, so you should leave that point out. You may also see a low spot in one of the forms. Remember that you will be removing any region of the deck beyond the edge of the recess to the cockit. The goal of the additional points inside the cockpit area is to make the deck up to the edge fair. The extra points should accomplish that goal.
> My concern is related to the offsets provided on the "errata
> page". When I added the offsets given there to my spread sheet for
> forms 8,9 & 10 (recessed cockpit area) it produced a curve on the form
> that appears unusual on forms 9 and 10. Has any one else plotted the
> outlines for these forms and obtained the same results? I suspect that
> there is no error here, I just want to confirm so.
Messages In This Thread
- Guillemot Offsets
Don Lampman -- 12/14/1998, 12:14 pm- errata on Offsets
Paul jacobson -- 12/14/1998, 9:16 pm- Re: errata on Offsets
Don Lampman -- 12/14/1998, 11:35 pm- Re: errata on Offsets
Nick Schade -- 12/15/1998, 11:19 am
- Re: errata on Offsets
- Re: errata on Offsets
- errata on Offsets