Re: Review: Really fast hull demo!
In Response To: Review: Really fast hull demo! *Pic* (Ted Henry)
His hull is quite round, he should maybe check with Rob Pruden with regard to making a sharper hull.
Hope you enjoyed dinner with his cousin, I have a number of his northern relatives in the freezer myself.
Messages In This Thread
- Review: Really fast hull demo! *Pic*
Ted Henry -- 11/26/2004, 4:46 pm- That's a heck of a bow wake
Malcolm Schweizer -- 11/27/2004, 4:00 pm- Re: That's a heck of a bow wake
Thomas Duncan -- 11/27/2004, 4:10 pm
- Re: Review: Really fast hull demo!
John D. -- 11/27/2004, 2:28 am- Re: Review: Really fast hull demo!
Ken Sutherland -- 11/27/2004, 12:31 am- *...sob...whimper...*
Robert N Pruden -- 11/27/2004, 2:15 am
- Re: That's a heck of a bow wake
- That's a heck of a bow wake