Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
By:Brian Nystrom
Date: 11/27/2004, 6:01 pm
In Response To: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt. *Pic* (John Monroe)

: What I have in mind is to take this plastic container and cut it off just
: under the flange and silicone that to strips that run about a foot in
: length. That way I can have a water proof compartment. The one I picked is
: small but I can get get my camera and GPS in it plus maybe a monoctular.

There are a couple of issues with this idea. Silicone is virtually worthless for bonding anything that's under any stress. It's best for sealing bathtubs and sinks. On top of that, the polyethylene container shown would be very difficult to bond to, anyway. That's why plastic kayaks don't have parts glued to them, but rather welded or mechanically fastened. There are now industrial adhesives that will bond to polyethylene, but they're hard to find and very expensive. You'd be best off to find a container of a different material.

Messages In This Thread

Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt. *Pic*
John Monroe -- 11/27/2004, 4:14 am
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt. *Pic*
John Monroe -- 12/2/2004, 3:05 pm
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
Thomas Duncan -- 12/2/2004, 7:39 pm
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
John Monroe -- 12/3/2004, 3:49 am
Progress *NM* *Pic*
John Monroe -- 11/28/2004, 4:09 am
Re: Progress
Thomas Duncan -- 11/28/2004, 8:49 am
Re: Progress *Pic*
John Monroe -- 11/29/2004, 4:50 am
Re: Progress *Pic*
John Monroe -- 11/30/2004, 5:19 am
Re: Progress
thomas duncan -- 11/30/2004, 9:29 am
Re: Progress
John Monroe -- 12/1/2004, 4:13 am
Re: Progress
Ken Sutherland -- 12/2/2004, 7:22 pm
Re: Progress
John Monroe -- 12/3/2004, 3:56 am
Re: Progress
Thomas Duncan -- 12/2/2004, 7:28 pm
Re: Progress
Ken Sutherland -- 12/2/2004, 11:06 pm
Re: Progress
Thomas Duncan -- 12/2/2004, 11:18 pm
Fishing Spool OT *LINK* *Pic*
Ken Sutherland -- 12/3/2004, 10:29 am
Re: Fishing Spool OT
thomas duncan -- 12/3/2004, 10:35 am
Re: Progress *LINK*
Glen Smith -- 12/2/2004, 11:24 pm
Re: Progress
Ken Sutherland -- 12/3/2004, 10:31 am
Re: Progress
Thomas Duncan -- 12/2/2004, 11:42 pm
Re: PL Poly vs. 3M 5200 *LINK*
John B -- 11/29/2004, 1:46 pm
Re: Progress *LINK*
thomas duncan -- 11/29/2004, 11:44 am
Re: Progress
Brian Nystrom -- 12/1/2004, 10:20 am
Re: Progress
John Monroe -- 12/2/2004, 4:17 am
Thanks John & Thomas
John Monroe -- 11/30/2004, 3:56 am
Some of my own innovations
Robert N Pruden -- 11/27/2004, 11:11 pm
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt. *LINK*
Rod Tait, Orca Boats -- 11/27/2004, 8:55 pm
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
Don -- 11/27/2004, 9:47 pm
Magnets *NM*
Rod Tait, Orca Boats -- 11/28/2004, 12:25 am
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
Brian Nystrom -- 11/27/2004, 6:01 pm
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
John Monroe -- 11/28/2004, 4:47 am
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
Brian Nystrom -- 12/1/2004, 10:10 am
Re: Other: Underdeck sealed compartmemt.
Thomas Duncan -- 11/27/2004, 9:05 am