That's a good method. *Pic*
By:Jesper Bach
Date: 12/3/2004, 4:41 am
Date: 12/3/2004, 4:41 am
In Response To: Re: Other: warped deck or hull *LINK* (john walker)
: Thanks for your help. I think i found the solution on this guys website
Yep! That method works very well. I had to epoxy the clamps to my yak, as the hot melt glue did not have sufficient hold. If epoxying the clamps on, remember to sand the surface where the clamps are to be placed, to get the best hold.
My first batch of clamps went right off :-)
Messages In This Thread
- Other: warped deck or hull
john walker -- 12/1/2004, 5:18 pm- Re: Other: warped deck or hull
Rob Macks -- 12/2/2004, 7:10 pm- Re: Other: warped deck or hull
Robert N Pruden -- 12/2/2004, 8:23 pm- Re: Other: warped deck or hull
john walker -- 12/3/2004, 11:41 am- heat the clamp a little if you are worried
Robert N Pruden -- 12/3/2004, 4:30 pm
- heat the clamp a little if you are worried
- Re: Other: warped deck or hull
- Re: Other: warped deck or hull *LINK*
john walker -- 12/2/2004, 12:31 pm- Re: Other: BUT.., be careful.. *Pic*
Tom Bastiansen -- 12/3/2004, 10:29 am- Re: Other: BUT.., be careful..
john walker -- 12/3/2004, 12:17 pm
- That's a good method. *Pic*
Jesper Bach -- 12/3/2004, 4:41 am - Re: Other: BUT.., be careful..
- Is it a strip or S&G deck? *LINK*
Robert N Pruden -- 12/2/2004, 10:06 am- Re: Other: warped deck or hull
Ken Blanton -- 12/2/2004, 5:46 am- Re: Other: warped deck or hull *Pic*
Jesper Bach -- 12/2/2004, 1:47 am- Re: Other: warped deck or hull
Barry Shelton -- 12/1/2004, 10:00 pm - Re: Other: warped deck or hull
- Re: Other: warped deck or hull