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Re: Tolerances
By:Mike Scarborough
Date: 12/18/2004, 9:51 am
In Response To: Strip: Aligning forms (Scott Guenther)

Scott --

The standard that I use for aligning forms (being a powers of 10 sort of guy) is that somewhere between .1" and .01" misalignment is acceptable. While .01" is achievable (and is about at the limits of my vision to detect), realistically .02-.04" is as good as "spot-on." BTW 1/32" is .031".

At the other end of the spectrum, being .1" out will be clearly visable on the forms and noticeable on the finished kayak. (.1" is a lot of sanding or filling)

So if you say your centerline is out by 1/16" (.0625") I'd say that's good enough to start stripping. But if its out by +/- 1/16" that's a little more than I would want to tolerate. It depends a bit on the misaligned form's relationship to each other. If form 8 is 1/16 right and form 9 is 1/16 left that's a problem worth correcting. If form 2 is off right and form 15 is off left by the same amounts, I think I'd leave well enough alone.

The good thing is that you know where and how far off you are. I'd say spend another hour on the two or three worst forms, then start stripping.

Mike Scarborough
Friendship Kayak

Messages In This Thread

Strip: Aligning forms
Scott Guenther -- 12/18/2004, 12:28 am
Re: Strip: Aligning forms
mike loriz -- 12/18/2004, 7:14 pm
Re: Tolerances
Mike Scarborough -- 12/18/2004, 9:51 am
Use strips to position the form
John Caldeira -- 12/18/2004, 7:11 am
Re: Strip: Aligning forms
mike allen -- 12/18/2004, 1:50 am