Boat Building Forum

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Re: Strip: to Kurt Maurer
By:Tony Olsen
Date: 12/20/2004, 7:42 pm
In Response To: Strip: to Kurt Maurer (Erik, Belgium)

: I haven't seen any posts from you in recent days.
: Gues you are very busy on your 10-day stripper.
: How far are you with it ? (think the days 10 are over now)

: Erik, Belgium.

Reguardless of what Kurt sez, the truckers strike held up the truckload of wood flour he needed for the smutz. We may have named that boat today, "the Ugly Duckling" Wheather it turns into a swan or not is up to Kurt. He is kicking a lot of ideas around, but hasn't settled on a plan of attack yet. I can see why too. He brought the boat down for a personal 'look see' and we spent quite a bit of time using the words "I wonder what they were doing here?" and "why do you suppose they did that?"
Well Kurt, ol' bud, good luck! What ever work that is left to be done will be first rate, but I don't know if even that is enough to make it a swan.


Messages In This Thread

Strip: to Kurt Maurer
Erik, Belgium -- 12/20/2004, 7:54 am
Re: Strip: to Kurt Maurer
Tony Olsen -- 12/20/2004, 7:42 pm
Re: Strip: to Kurt Maurer *LINK* *Pic*
Kurt Maurer -- 12/20/2004, 10:56 am
Re: Strip: to Kurt Maurer
Gordon Niessen -- 12/20/2004, 11:11 am
Re: It's Everywhere... ! *Pic*
Rehd -- 12/21/2004, 12:18 am
Re: Just gotta look for it... *Pic*
Rehd -- 12/21/2004, 12:28 am
Re: Strip: to Kurt Maurer
Kurt Maurer -- 12/20/2004, 12:28 pm