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Re: Other: Recovering passion
By:John Monroe
Date: 12/23/2004, 4:56 am
In Response To: Other: Recovering passion (Jay Doorly)

: Problem: Exaggerated torso twisting and too many hours paddling wore away the
: bone interfaces that hold my lumbar vertebrae in line. I stopped all
: exercise 3 months ago due to high levels of constant pain and numbness.
: Now , after therapy and rest I�m nearly recovered and painfree. I would
: love to continue kayaking but can�t afford to ablate anymore skeletal
: matter.

All back problems seem to react differently but I can tell you how I control my slipped disc problem. 25 years ago I herniated a lower disc, which required hospitalization. I had the worse pain in my life with leg numbness and pain going down to my ankle, back convulsions, etc. They wanted to operate but I refused. My back will still go out but not nearly so severely because I watch my twisting, stooping, and body weight. I do some back exercises that really work the hamstrings. When I kayak paddle I keep my back strait and don�t twist at all. All arm work. It�s all knowing and learning what works for you in my opinion. That has taken years for me to figure this out. I have done 180 lb squats with weights and had no problems because I knew how to position my back and feet, yet while brushing my teeth I had my back go out because I got lazy and was leaning forward. Hope this helps a little.


Messages In This Thread

Other: Recovering passion
Jay Doorly -- 12/23/2004, 1:22 am
Jay Doorly -- 12/29/2004, 11:42 pm
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 12/30/2004, 9:15 am
Jay Doorly -- 12/30/2004, 11:40 pm
what kind of paddle are you using?
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/24/2004, 2:47 pm
Row *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/24/2004, 2:19 pm
John Monroe -- 12/24/2004, 6:39 am
Re: Other: Recovering passion
Rob Macks -- 12/23/2004, 5:22 pm
Re: Other: Recovering passion
PatrickC -- 12/23/2004, 4:56 pm
Re: Find out why
pikabike -- 12/23/2004, 2:03 pm
Re: Find out why
Robert N Pruden -- 12/25/2004, 12:16 am
Thomas Duncan -- 12/23/2004, 4:20 pm
Re: Other: Recovering passion *LINK*
gerald -- 12/23/2004, 1:22 pm
Re: Other: Recovering passion
Greg Stamer -- 12/23/2004, 12:24 pm
Good Advice here
Robert N Pruden -- 12/25/2004, 12:10 am
Re: Other: Recovering passion
Dave -- 12/23/2004, 11:53 am
Re: Other: Recovering passion
Richard Kohlstr�m -- 12/23/2004, 7:24 am
Re: Other: Recovering passion
John Monroe -- 12/23/2004, 4:56 am
Re: Other: Recovering passion
Robert N Pruden -- 12/24/2004, 11:53 pm
Nordic Back & Abb. Machine *Pic*
John Monroe -- 12/23/2004, 5:48 am
Re: Nordic Back & Abb. Machine
Jay Doorly -- 12/28/2004, 11:10 pm
Re: Nordic Back & Abb. Machine
John Monroe -- 12/30/2004, 8:56 am
Re: Other: Recovering passion
Randy Knauff -- 12/23/2004, 2:48 am
Re: Other: Recovering passion
Jay Doorly -- 12/28/2004, 10:57 pm