Date: 10/5/2007, 8:20 am
Hello all kayak builders. My name is Steve Barber and I work at Touchstone Center for Arts and Crafts in Farmington Pennsylvania and I would like to hire a person who is professional and knowledgeable enough to run a 6 day class with about 7-10 students to build a kayak or two. I can offer pay, room and board, travel expenses, media exposure and a trip down the Lower Youghigheny river with a rafting company. Touchstone is a wonderful center for fine arts but we also recognize crafts. This year I would like to go out of the box and get a boat builder. If possible I would like a local person in Pennsylvania. I would also request a portfolio and a projected syllabus. There are studios to work in and we are able to assist with materials within out education level of the project. If you would please send interests to
Messages In This Thread
- Announce: Want boat builder who can teach a class
Steve Barber -- 10/5/2007, 8:20 am- Re: Announce: Want boat builder who can teach a cl
John Van Buren -- 10/9/2007, 7:46 am - Re: Announce: Want boat builder who can teach a cl
Bryan Hansel -- 10/6/2007, 12:15 am- Re: Announce: Want boat builder who can teach a cl
Kyle H. -- 10/7/2007, 9:11 pm
- Re: Announce: Want boat builder who can teach a cl
- I can't do it but I sure wish I could...
Robert N Pruden -- 10/5/2007, 6:26 pm
- Re: Announce: Want boat builder who can teach a cl