: My 16 � foot Shooting Star came in at 41 pounds as I remember but had lots of
: foam flotation or I could of possible been in the high 30. I use 3/16 inch
: strips, glassed with 6 oz inside and out, plus an extra 6 oz of 12 inch
: wide glass on the bottom and a 6 inch wide strip of polypropylene as a rub
: strip.
: My 12 foot Little Auk type is getting obese. She has � inch strips, glassed
: inside and out with 6 oz glass, an extra 6 oz glass layer in the seating
: area, and extra 18 inch wide 6 oz glass on the bottom. I keep adding on to
: this boat, and just in the last week I added two flush fishing pole
: holders and more deck bungees. Inside side compartments probably add 10
: lbs. I just weighed her and she comes in at a whopping 50 lbs without the
: seat.
: John
You're gonna need wheels prett soon to launch her
Bill H.
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak weight?
Robert N Pruden -- 10/5/2007, 7:29 pm- Honey, does this dress make my butt look fat? *NM*
William Cruz -- 10/9/2007, 1:46 pm - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
John Monroe -- 10/8/2007, 3:33 pm- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Bill Hamm -- 10/9/2007, 2:46 am
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Stephen P -- 10/7/2007, 11:14 pm- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Bill Hamm -- 10/8/2007, 5:09 am
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
- So... what?
HenkA -- 10/7/2007, 11:14 pm- Re: So... what?
Bill Hamm -- 10/8/2007, 5:07 am- Re: So... what?
HenkA -- 10/8/2007, 11:56 pm- Re: So... what?
Bill Hamm -- 10/9/2007, 2:45 am
- Re: So... what?
- Re: So... what?
- Re: So... what?
- How much does your kayak weigh? *Pic*
Jay Babina -- 10/7/2007, 9:32 am- Re: How much does your kayak weigh?
Kyle H. -- 10/7/2007, 9:09 pm
- Re: How much does your kayak weigh?
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
John Van Buren -- 10/7/2007, 9:23 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Bob Kayes -- 10/6/2007, 8:24 pm - With or without the Guinness in the hatch?
Ken Sutheland -- 10/6/2007, 4:01 pm - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Andrew Sommer -- 10/6/2007, 3:14 pm - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
John Eberly -- 10/6/2007, 11:30 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
ChuckS -- 10/6/2007, 10:27 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Scott Baxter -- 10/6/2007, 10:05 am- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Bill Hamm -- 10/7/2007, 1:31 am
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Bill Hamm -- 10/6/2007, 9:02 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Dan Caouette (CSFW) -- 10/6/2007, 9:01 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Daren -- 10/6/2007, 8:23 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Oliver Bloch -- 10/6/2007, 7:45 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Mike Hanks -- 10/5/2007, 10:56 pm- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Bill Hamm -- 10/6/2007, 9:03 am - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Robert N Pruden -- 10/5/2007, 11:03 pm
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
- Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
daryl -- 10/5/2007, 9:14 pm - Re: Seeking: Question: How much does your kayak we
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 10/5/2007, 8:57 pm
- Honey, does this dress make my butt look fat? *NM*