Re: Other: Rowing Shell Plans? *LINK*
By:Bruce Moffatt
Date: 10/27/2007, 8:29 am
Date: 10/27/2007, 8:29 am
In Response To: Other: Rowing Shell Plans? (Tim in Canberra)
: Im looking for a plans to build a timber rowing shell, single scull, for an
: intermediate rower.
Last year I built a single scull in WRC strips to a new design by Graeme King. There have been others built in strips to Graeme's designs, some as racing craft and some as recreational. I suggest you try to contact Graeme.
You can see the start of my scull building project at the attached link. It has been finished now for just on a year and it is an amazingly well designed racing boat.
Contact me off line if you want to discuss further.
Messages In This Thread
- Other: Rowing Shell Plans?
Tim in Canberra -- 10/27/2007, 7:55 am- Re: Other: Rowing Shell Plans?
Bill Hamm -- 10/28/2007, 1:35 am- New Pocock shell from old forms *Pic*
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/28/2007, 7:32 am- Re: New Pocock shell from old forms
Bill Hamm -- 10/28/2007, 9:49 pm- Port Townsend and R2K8
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/29/2007, 1:29 pm- Re: Port Townsend and R2K8
Bill Hamm -- 10/29/2007, 5:21 pm- feel free to e-mail me.
Paul G. Jacobson -- 10/30/2007, 12:33 pm- Phone 780-918-4797 Send money...lots of it!
Robert N Pruden -- 10/31/2007, 8:15 pm- Why do I feel like I was just baited?
Robert N Pruden -- 10/31/2007, 8:19 pm
- Why do I feel like I was just baited?
- Phone 780-918-4797 Send money...lots of it!
- feel free to e-mail me.
- Re: Port Townsend and R2K8
- Re: New Pocock shell from old forms *LINK* *Pic*
Kelvin -- 10/28/2007, 3:56 pm - Port Townsend and R2K8
- Re: New Pocock shell from old forms
- Re: Other: Rowing Shell Plans? *LINK*
KenC -- 10/28/2007, 12:05 am- Re: Other: Rowing Shell Plans? *LINK*
Bruce Moffatt -- 10/27/2007, 8:29 am - New Pocock shell from old forms *Pic*
- Re: Other: Rowing Shell Plans?