How to build one that works
By:Pete Rudie
Date: 10/23/2001, 2:13 am
Date: 10/23/2001, 2:13 am
In Response To: Good information on how skegs work. (John Monfoe)
Sea Kayaker Magazine ran an article on this very subject in the June '95 issue.
: I am building a retractable skeg at this time and this link was interesting.
: John
Messages In This Thread
- Good information on how skegs work.
John Monfoe -- 10/22/2001, 6:17 am- How to build one that works
Pete Rudie -- 10/23/2001, 2:13 am- Re: Good information on how skegs work.
Jim -- 10/22/2001, 2:26 pm - Re: Good information on how skegs work.
- How to build one that works