Date: 10/23/2001, 1:51 pm
I was planning on shaping the setup once it was glued up to bring the entire height down. I have 3/4" of clearance below the first strip. I like the idea of clamping all of the strips at once and coming back to glue them later. I could also go get an ash board to rip...aah the options.
: I had better luck doing them 1 by 1 but I was using 1/8" Ash without
: soaking first and the strips wanted to spring back so I had trouble
: clamping them all together. Others here have had good luck gluing and
: clamping all at once.
: You could probably soak and prebend them all, letting them all dry to shape
: then glue them 1 x 1 or all together if you can work out how to clamp
: them.
: 3/4" sounds a bit thick for the coaming lip though, most have between
: 1/4" and 1/2" so there is enough room between the bottom of the
: lip and your deck (5/8" minimum) without needing to have a really
: tall coaming.
: You're getting really close now!!
Messages In This Thread
- Cockpit coaming solutions?
Dan -- 10/23/2001, 1:24 pm- Re: Cockpit coaming solutions?
Brian Nystrom -- 10/23/2001, 2:55 pm- Re: Cockpit coaming solutions?
Ben Staley -- 10/23/2001, 1:40 pm- Re: Cockpit coaming solutions?
Dan -- 10/23/2001, 1:51 pm
- Re: Cockpit coaming solutions?
- Re: Cockpit coaming solutions?