Date: 11/9/2001, 9:16 am
: Hi Rob,
: I did think I got the pictures off of this board but after tracing back
: through my poor memory I did get your picture off of your site. I
: apologize for not getting your permission. I did send four of your
: pictures to a person that e-mailed me this morning asking if I would send
: them to him since he is building your shooting Star and want colored
: visuals as I do for building. I use to use an international copy right on
: different 3- dimentional pictures that I manufactured and sold and so I do
: undestand that your site probably had a copy right covering that material.
: I just want to build your boat.
: Take care,
: John
I did not and do not have a problem with you making copies of pictures from my site for your own use. If I had I would have said so.
What I did respond to was a post about the ease of copying images off the internet.
If you're thinking of using the images for anything other than personal use, get the author's permission.
I ran across a web site with a picture of my North Star at the top. I asked them to remove it. If they had asked me about using the picture I might have said okay. If you use someone's work they should receive credit.
Have fun building the boat.
All the best,
Rob Macks
Laughing Loon CC&K
Messages In This Thread
- Off Topic: Kodak DC5000 and memory are now dirt cheap *Pic*
Dale Frolander -- 11/7/2001, 9:47 pm- is free and easy. *Pic*
John Monfoe -- 11/8/2001, 6:41 am- You could skip a step
Dan Ruff -- 11/8/2001, 9:23 am- Re: You could skip a step- I didn't know that. Thk *NM*
John Monfoe -- 11/9/2001, 6:47 am- Re: You could skip a step
Rob Macks -- 11/8/2001, 10:06 am- What did I start... Sorry.
John Monfoe -- 11/9/2001, 6:45 am- Re: What did I start... Sorry.
Rob Macks -- 11/9/2001, 9:16 am
- Re: You could skip a step
Pete Rudie -- 11/8/2001, 11:31 am- Off Topic:Copyright
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/8/2001, 2:04 pm- I thought we learned from Napster OT
Paul G. -- 11/8/2001, 11:41 pm- Re: Off Topic:Copyright
David Hanson -- 11/8/2001, 4:45 pm- Right, no fights here
Chip Sandresky -- 11/8/2001, 4:53 pm
- Re: Well, that's interesting!
Don Beale -- 11/8/2001, 2:48 pm - Re: Off Topic:Copyright
- Re: You could skip a step
Jim McKay -- 11/8/2001, 12:06 pm- Off Topic: Usage
Chip Sandresky -- 11/8/2001, 1:58 pm- If you have any legal authority for that position,
Pete Rudie -- 11/8/2001, 12:54 pm- Re: like footnotes
Dean Trexel -- 11/8/2001, 6:22 pm- Re: If you have any legal authority for that posit
Rob Macks -- 11/8/2001, 1:21 pm- Lighten up!
Pete Rudie -- 11/8/2001, 4:07 pm- Re: Hold it guys....
Shawn Baker -- 11/8/2001, 4:29 pm- Re: Hold it guys....
100GRIT -- 11/8/2001, 4:50 pm- Re: That's the problem with assumptions...
Shawn Baker -- 11/8/2001, 6:59 pm- Re: A good example of why...
Don Beale -- 11/8/2001, 7:55 pm- Re: Yup. *NM*
Shawn Baker -- 11/9/2001, 10:44 am
- Re: Yup. *NM*
- Re: A good example of why...
- Re: That's the problem with assumptions...
- Re: Hold it guys....
- Re: Hold it guys....
- Re: If you have any legal authority for that posit
- If you have any legal authority for that position,
- I thought we learned from Napster OT
- Re: What did I start... Sorry.
- Re: You could skip a step
- Re: You could skip a step- I didn't know that. Thk *NM*
- Re: Lots better choices for your money.
Peter -- 11/8/2001, 1:25 am- But it's a Canon
Dale Frolander -- 11/8/2001, 3:08 am- Re: Here's what I'm doing *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 11/8/2001, 2:42 am- 120 scans at home
Paul G. Jacobson -- 11/8/2001, 4:00 pm- Re: That's a good way to go but...
Chip Sandresky -- 11/8/2001, 2:50 pm- Re: Scans from 120
David Marx -- 11/8/2001, 11:07 am- Re: Here's what I'm doing
Dan Ruff -- 11/8/2001, 10:08 am- Re: Here's what I'm doing
Dale Frolander -- 11/8/2001, 3:59 pm- Re: Here's what I'm doing
Bryan Sarauer -- 11/8/2001, 11:05 am- Re: Here's what I'm doing
Dan Ruff -- 11/8/2001, 12:08 pm- Re: Here's what I'm doing
Dale Frolander -- 11/8/2001, 3:53 pm
- Re: Here's what I'm doing
- Re: Here's what I'm doing
- Re: Here's what I'm doing
Dan St. Gean -- 11/8/2001, 9:09 am - Re: That's a good way to go but...
- Re: Here's what I'm doing *Pic*
- $250 dirt?!
Dean Trexel -- 11/7/2001, 10:48 pm- For decent digital camera, yes dirt. *NM*
Dale Frolander -- 11/8/2001, 1:03 am
- You could skip a step
- is free and easy. *Pic*