Boat Building Forum

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Re: Other: Selecting by Prefix?
By:Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks
Date: 11/9/2001, 1:50 pm
In Response To: Other: Selecting by Prefix? (risto)

: Is there some way to select only the postings carrying a certain prefix for
: viewing? E.g. only those with prefix "Paddle:"

: There is so much stuff on this building board! and sometimes one is only
: interested in one topic.

: I tried the Search function but it does not seem to have selection by prefix:
: putting "paddle" as a condition returned much stuff where it was
: just used as a verb!

I agree, this would be a helpful feature that is not currently supported. I will suggest it to the author of the software. I have been investigating other software which would support this feature, but everything else out there falls short in other ways.

: Maybe this Board could be split? Kayak building, Materials, Tooling,
: Accessories and fitting out, Paddle building...

Some of the other packages look like they would support this kind of split in a user friendly manner, but they still fall short in other features. But at this point it would require that someone interested in several or all the subjects would have to look through a bunch of different boards to get their fix. I think the result would be too unfriendly.

My hope is that the addition of the prefixes would make it a little easier to scan the index for stuff you are interested in. Maybe in the future there will be a better filtering tool.

I like the SlashDot model but it requires that a moderator OK every new thread before they become active, and I am not going to do that. It is also too complicated for me to install. There are some other systems out there that look hopeful, but nothing as easy for the readers as this.

Messages In This Thread

Other: Selecting by Prefix?
risto -- 11/9/2001, 11:27 am
Re: Other: Selecting by Prefix?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/9/2001, 1:50 pm
Re: Other: Selecting by Prefix?
Chip Sandresky -- 11/9/2001, 3:12 pm
Re: Other: Selecting by Prefix?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/9/2001, 3:23 pm
Re: Other: Selecting by Prefix?
risto -- 11/10/2001, 8:08 am
Re: Other: Selecting by Prefix?
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/10/2001, 10:38 am