: 4oz s-glass wets-out easily and is abrasion resistant. I haven't used satin
: weave. For my next overbuilt boat (for instruction I sit in the kayak on a
: dock a lot). I wanted to put multiple layers without bubbles developing
: between the weave,,true confessions I haven't glassed a kayak in 1/2yr (I
: hang my head in shame), with my faulty memory is it easier to lay
: two,three layers at once (sounds awfully messy for squeegeeing) or let
: each layer partially cure, which is what I've done when laying two layers.
It is hard to get all the air out of multiple layers of glass. If your goal is an air-free layup, doing it one layer at a time is easier.
: You know at the next Rendevous or similar gathering I bet you could really
: get people excited with contest for bringing the strongest, lightest test
: panels and breaking them. Okay I do spend too much time alone,,, but
: destructive testing is fun.
We need to come up with an easy test that does not require multi thousand $$$ machines.
Messages In This Thread
- Material: applying a lightweight layup
Dean Trexel -- 11/10/2001, 1:08 am- Re: Material: applying a lightweight layup
Ken Katz -- 11/12/2001, 9:57 pm- Re: Material: applying a lightweight layup
LeeG -- 11/12/2001, 9:10 pm- Re: Material: applying a lightweight layup
Dean Trexel -- 11/12/2001, 9:54 pm
- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
Chip Sandresky -- 11/12/2001, 3:02 pm- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
Ted Henry -- 11/12/2001, 10:10 pm- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
mike allen ---> -- 11/13/2001, 3:10 pm- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
Ted Henry -- 11/13/2001, 6:56 pm- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
mike allen ---> -- 11/13/2001, 8:20 pm
- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup *Pic*
Chip Sandresky -- 11/13/2001, 12:51 pm- Quick!!! OT *Pic*
Ken Sutherland -- 11/18/2001, 10:40 pm- Looks like self-bailing trousers are a ways off
Ted Henry -- 11/13/2001, 2:25 pm - Looks like self-bailing trousers are a ways off
- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
- Re: Satin Weave and Lightweight Layup
- Caution!
Jerry Siegel -- 11/10/2001, 8:28 pm- Re: Caution!
Dan St. Gean -- 11/12/2001, 9:09 am
- Re: Material: applying a lightweight layup
Rob Macks -- 11/10/2001, 9:29 am- Re: Material: applying a lightweight layup
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/10/2001, 9:57 am- Re: more test panels
Lee,G -- 11/10/2001, 10:46 am- Re: more test panels
Nick Schade - Guillemot Kayaks -- 11/10/2001, 11:30 am- Re: more test panels
Lee,G -- 11/10/2001, 11:40 am
- Re: more test panels
- Re: more test panels
- Re: more test panels
- Re: Material: applying a lightweight layup
- Re: Material: applying a lightweight layup