Date: 11/12/2001, 8:58 am

It's nice to see some midwest paddlers on the board! My brother in law goes to Hope College and my sister lives in North Muskegon. I get up your way pretty often. I'm nearly finished with a Guillemot expedition and thinking about the next's not an addiction; I can quit anytime I want. I was up at Holland state beach two weeks ago Wednesday. The surf was still up a little after the windstorm and made for good surfing as well as some combat roll situations. Love going to your neck of the woods! I'm from the Chicago area, so unless the wind is from the East or NE--no waves. BTW there was a good kitesurfer out there. Having grown up a surfer from San Diego, I may have found a new outlet in addition to paddling--that looked really fun. If you want to paddle some weekend, shoot me an email at
: As a SWM, 5'10" 180# 29 y.o. kayak builder (and in Michigan, too!), I
: just had to ask... Although I wouldn't consider myself well-matched.
: I remember my mom checking my partly-colorblind dad before he headed off
: to work, so if his matching skills are genetic, I may be in trouble.
: Happy kayak building, whichever design you decide on. Michigan has some great
: paddling spots...
: Dean
: Holland, MI
Messages In This Thread
- Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Emma Hutchinson -- 11/11/2001, 12:38 pm- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Patsy -- 11/13/2001, 8:54 am- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Jim -- 11/12/2001, 8:28 pm- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Bob Branstrom -- 11/12/2001, 6:47 pm- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Rob Schaum -- 11/12/2001, 3:15 pm- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Scott Fitzgerrell -- 11/12/2001, 12:43 pm- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Jim Kozel -- 11/12/2001, 1:08 pm
- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
LeeG -- 11/11/2001, 8:27 pm- Re: seeking SWM kayak builder, too?
Dean Trexel -- 11/11/2001, 6:25 pm- Near Holland
Dan St. Gean -- 11/12/2001, 8:58 am
- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Bob Deutsch -- 11/11/2001, 2:11 pm- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
Frank Eberdt -- 11/11/2001, 2:01 pm - Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak
- Re: Shop: SWF 5'4" seeking well-matched kayak