Date: 12/2/2001, 10:13 pm
Although it's not totally done, I launched the Expedition sans bulkheads and backband this afternoon. December 2 and 54 degrees in Chicago! It is amazing how great these boats handle compared to the big plastic pigs I own...! But that's stating the obvious. After finishing the fitout--thigh braces, foot pump, bulkhead, and backband, I'll be looking for some material for the sailing conversion kit I intend on making. It will have inflatable outriggers, complete reefability down to bare poles and be stowable.
I'll have to borrow the digital camera form the high school that I teach at (great shop BTW) to shoot a few photos or scan some of the launching photos. Do I need to download the photo to one of the photo hosting web sites to do that? Digital photo gurus?