Date: 12/9/2001, 1:05 am
I like that idea of the open catalog. Just might do that myself
: Yeah, you're better off being direct.
: That's the best policy. My wife also does that. You lose some of the 'fun' of
: the 'surprise' on Christmas morning, but you also get exactly what you
: need. Or, get a West Marine catalog. Leave it lying open to that page with
: the silver Etrex circled, and a note that says, "GPS City:
: $175"
: If she sees that the West Marine price is $200 or whatever, no red-blooded
: American woman in her right mind is going to pay $25 extra. You're all
: set.
: I'm not real big on gift-giving or gift-getting. If I want something, I buy
: it when I see it at the price I've been waiting for. I'd just as soon give
: to charity for Christmas, instead of obsessing about the "perfect
: present". Lots of times, I get stuff I'll never really use, even
: though it was given to me with the best of intentions. My mother-in-law is
: the worst about this. I feel guilty, since I feel like I've wasted her
: money.
: Besides, since you're married (Congratulations, by the way), it's your money
: too, so you might as well make sure it's not wasted on the wrong Etrex, or
: the right Etrex at the wrong price, or worse-yet, an assortment of paisley
: ties and argyle socks!!
: Shawn
Messages In This Thread
- Seeking: Help in dropping Christmas Hint!!!!! *Pic*
Roger Nuffer -- 12/2/2001, 6:23 pm- Here is how you do it
Paul G. Jacobson -- 12/4/2001, 12:55 am- Re: Seeking: Help in dropping Christmas Hint!!!!!
Bill Price -- 12/3/2001, 4:15 pm- Re: Hmm..matrimonial geocaching *NM*
Shawn Baker -- 12/3/2001, 7:46 pm- Re: Here's what I did>>>
Roger Nuffer -- 12/9/2001, 3:03 pm- Re: Here's what I did>>>
Greg Morse -- 12/13/2001, 1:04 am- Re: That wont do at all!!
Don Beale -- 12/9/2001, 6:09 pm - Re: That wont do at all!!
- Re: Here's what I did>>>
- Re: Here's what I did>>>
- Re: Seeking: Help in dropping Christmas Hint!!!!!
John Gray -- 12/2/2001, 11:46 pm- Re: And then...
Don Beale -- 12/3/2001, 3:07 pm- I like it
Jim Eisenmenger -- 12/3/2001, 8:15 am - I like it
- Re: Seeking: Help in dropping Christmas Hint!!!!!
Don Beale -- 12/2/2001, 7:47 pm- Re: Forget hints.
Shawn Baker -- 12/3/2001, 1:39 pm- Re: Forget hints.
Danno -- 12/9/2001, 1:05 am
- Re: Forget hints.
- Re: Seeking: Help in dropping Christmas Hint!!!!!
- Here is how you do it